IPIPGO socks5 proxy How to configure socks5 proxy under linux (how to configure proxy ip for linux)

How to configure socks5 proxy under linux (how to configure proxy ip for linux)

Many of my friends say that configuring socks5 proxy under Linux is too complicated, and they can't always get it right. But in fact, in my opinion, configuring proxies is like in...

How to configure socks5 proxy under linux (how to configure proxy ip for linux)

Many partners say that configuring a socks5 proxy under Linux is too complicated, and they can't always get it right. But in fact, in my opinion, the configuration of the proxy is like building blocks, as long as you master the method, it is not difficult.

How to configure socks5 proxy under Linux

First of all, let's start with what socks5 proxy is. Well, it's like a daemon that does some hidden tasks for you while you're surfing the web, making your online activities more secure and private.

Well, next I'll show you how to configure socks5 proxy under Linux.


sudo apt-get install

Once the installation is complete, we can use the `sslocal` command to configure the socks5 proxy. For example, we can enter the following command to configure the proxy:

sslocal -s server IP -p server port -l 1080 -k password -t 600 -m aes-256-cfb

The meaning of this command is to connect to the specified server IP and port, authenticate with a password, listen locally on port 1080, and encrypt with aes-256-cfb. In this way, we have successfully configured the socks5 proxy!

How to configure proxy ip for linux

In fact, configuring a proxy is like designing a secure cul-de-sac for yourself so that you can come and go as you please in the online world.

Next, we can configure the proxy in the system's network settings. Open Network Settings, find Proxy Settings, select Manual Proxy Configuration, fill in the proxy address as, port 1080. save the settings, we can happily roam in the network world!

To summarize, configuring the socks5 proxy is like drawing an invisible moat to your network world, making your network activities more secure and private. I hope that through this article, partners are able to easily master the configuration of socks5 proxy in the Linux system, to open a safe, smooth network journey!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4255.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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