IPIPGO proxy server What to do when the computer ie proxy server does not respond (ie's proxy service settings can not be deleted)

What to do when the computer ie proxy server does not respond (ie's proxy service settings can not be deleted)

Alas, guys, today let's talk about that headache problem - what to do when the computer ie proxy server is not responding? In fact, this problem is like...

What to do when the computer ie proxy server does not respond (ie's proxy service settings can not be deleted)

Alas, guys, today let's talk about that headache problem - computer ie proxy server does not respond how to do? In fact, this problem is like you bought a lock, but can not find the key to open the door, annoying ah!

What should I do if my computer ie proxy server is not responding?

First, we have to see what's going on. Sometimes, it may be that the proxy service settings of IE can't be deleted, just like a broken socket at home, the plug can't be pulled out, which makes people irritated!

Don't worry, what should you do if you encounter this situation? First of all, take one step at a time to see if there is a problem with the proxy server settings. Open ie browser, click "Tools" - "Internet Options" - "Connections" - "LAN Settings "See if there is a proxy server set up. If there is, delete it, then restart ie browser, see if the problem is solved?

But sometimes, even if you delete it, it still follows you around like a little sticky person, so you can't get rid of it. There is another way to do this, and that is to modify the registry. Of course, modifying the registry is a high-risk operation, just like giving the computer surgery, in case of improper operation, the system crashed, it would be a big problem!

However, sometimes, it has to be done. First of all, press Win+R and type "regedit" to open Registry Editor; then find "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings" under the path "ProxyEnable" and "ProxyEnable". USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings" path under the "ProxyEnable" and " ProxyServer". ProxyServer" item, set their values to 0, and then restart the computer, open the ie browser again to see if the problem is solved?

I can't delete the proxy service setting of ie

If none of the above work, you'll have to turn to a professional. Find a computer savvy friend or a professional technician and let them take a look for you, maybe they have a better idea.

In short, don't panic when you run into the problem of your computer ie proxy server not responding. Patiently find out what the problem is, and then solve it step by step, just like looking for a lost kitten, slowly guide it home. Perhaps in the process, you will find yourself with a deeper understanding of the computer, which is also a kind of harvest it.

In the end, I hope you can stay away from these annoying problems and let our computers swim freely in the refreshing online world!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4267.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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