IPIPGO proxy server How to view proxy server ip address and port number (where to look at proxy servers and ports)

How to view proxy server ip address and port number (where to look at proxy servers and ports)

Oh, you asked me how to find the ip address and port number of a proxy server? Haha, that's an interesting question. Here, let me tell you about it. How to check the proxy service ...

How to view proxy server ip address and port number (where to look at proxy servers and ports)

Oh, you asked me how to find the ip address and port number of a proxy server? Haha, that's an interesting question. Here, let me tell you about it.

How to view proxy server ip address and port number

First of all, you have to know that the ip address and port number of a proxy server is like the door number of a city and the password to open the door. We have to find the city before we can find this door number and password.

You have to turn on your computer and then open your browser, which is like opening a gateway to the city. Then you have to type in the search box "Dude, show me the ip address and port number of a proxy server" so the computer knows you're looking for the city. Haha, just kidding, you have to type in "proxy server ip address and port number lookup" or something like that.

Then, you'll see a bunch of search results, like a city with lots of alleys. Picking a reliable website is like picking a road to your destination. For example, you can click on a website called "proxy server ip address lookup", it is like choosing an unobstructed road.

Then, you will see an input box, it says "Please enter the proxy server address", then you have to enter the address of the proxy server you want to query, just like telling people which city you want to go. Then, click the "Query" button, as if stepping on the gas, the computer will take you to the city you want to fly.

Oh, wait! There's still a lock on the city's gate! You also have to enter the port number of this proxy server, as if you were opening a city gate. In the query result, you'll see the ip address and port number of this proxy server. Hey, you did it!

Where to look for proxy servers and ports

You have found the ip address and port number of the proxy server, this time you are as excited as if you have found a treasure, right? Now, you can enter this ip address and port number into your network settings, and then you can swim the whole Internet, just like having a golden key to the world.

However, young man, remember, the proxy server is not a private garden, it is a service facility built by others. When you use it, it is like coming to someone else's home as a guest, to comply with their rules, do not destroy Oh.

And this ip address and port number are like the door to happiness, you have to cherish them, don't just tell others, and take care of them as carefully as guarding your own secrets. Hey, now you know how to find the ip address and port number of the proxy server, you can go out in the future, you can swim in the network as you like!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4279.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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