IPIPGO reverse proxy nginx reverse proxy the same port (nginx reverse proxy port 80)

nginx reverse proxy the same port (nginx reverse proxy port 80)

Once upon a time, there was a young lad named Nginx who was loved by everyone. One day, Nginx heard that everyone in the village was busy looking for...

nginx reverse proxy the same port (nginx reverse proxy port 80)

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Nginx who was loved by everyone. One day, Nginx heard that everyone in the village was busy finding a way to bring information from the outside to their homes, so Nginx thought to himself, "I'm going to help the people in the village too! So Nginx began his adventure.

ngix reverse proxy same port

Nginx went to the main road outside the village, which was busy with cars.Nginx found an avenue called Avenue 80, which led to the gate of the village.Nginx thought to himself: there are a lot of cars on this avenue, so could he ask them to help him to get the information into the village? So, Nginx decided to set up a transfer station on Avenue 80 and told everyone to come to him first if they wanted to go to the village.

Nginx moved sharply and picked up a piece of paper that read, "Welcome to Nginx's transfer station, just give me the information and I'll deliver it to the village for you!" He shouted smilingly to the travelers on the main road. As a result, many vehicles soon drove into Nginx's transfer station and handed over all kinds of information to Nginx.

Nginx took each piece of information, scrutinized it carefully, repackaged each one to make sure the information was safe, and then gave it to the village's janitorial uncle. Everyone said that Nginx was a very reliable young man, and from then on, the number of vehicles on Avenue 80 increased, and Nginx became busier and busier.

nginx reverse proxy port 80

Over time, Nginx realized that his transfer station was getting a bit congested, with some vehicles waiting for longer periods of time. So, Nginx came up with a great idea: he was going to add some sorters inside the transfer station, so that they could help process the information and improve efficiency. So Nginx opened his toolbox and pulled out some sorting tools. He taught the sorters how to categorize the messages and showed them how to get them to the villages quickly. After some hard work, Nginx's transfer station became organized, the vehicles were no longer crowded, and everyone was happy.

Finally, one day, the people of the village expressed their gratitude to Nginx, saying that Nginx was like the guardian of the village, always keeping an eye on the safety of the village and delivering information to its destination. nginx felt very happy because he knew that he had become an indispensable part of the village.

And so the story ends. Nginx's transfer station has become busier since then, but Nginx has an increasing sense of fulfillment. He realized that as long as he puts his heart into helping others, he can become a hero in everyone's heart, even if it's the smallest thing.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4417.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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