IPIPGO ip proxy Set local ip as proxy (set proxy ip to access external network)

Set local ip as proxy (set proxy ip to access external network)

I Story Telling Once there was a programmer named Bao who loved writing code and worked hard in front of the computer every day. One day, he suddenly realized that some websites could not be properly...

Set local ip as proxy (set proxy ip to access external network)

My story.

There was once a programmer named Bao who loved writing code and worked hard in front of his computer every day. One day, he suddenly realized that some websites could not be accessed properly because they restricted the IP address of the network he was on. Xiaobao felt very distressed because he needed to access these websites to continue his work, but he couldn't do so no matter what. At this point, he thought of a way to access these restricted websites by setting his local IP as a proxy.

My Hacking Method (Setting Proxy IP to Access Outside Network)

Xiaobao began to seriously think about how to set the local IP as a proxy, he looked up a lot of information, tried a lot of methods, and finally succeeded. Let's see how he did it!

First, Bao opened the command line tool and entered the following command:


netsh winhttp set proxy


This command is very simple, it means to set the local IP address to and the port number to 8080. this completes the operation of setting the local IP address as a proxy server.

Next, Xiaobao uses a tool called Fiddler to capture all HTTP requests and responses.Fiddler is a very powerful proxy server that can intercept and modify all web requests and responses locally.

Xiaobao sets Fiddler as a proxy server and sets the port number to 8080 (this port number is the same as the one set above), so that all HTTP requests will be intercepted by Fiddler.

Finally, Xiaobao only needs to set the proxy to in the browser to successfully access those restricted websites.

Now, Bao can happily visit those restricted websites. He feels very happy because he finally found a solution to the problem. He wants to share this method with everyone because he believes it can help others too.


By setting the local IP as a proxy, Bao successfully accessed those restricted websites, and he found this method very practical and applicable to many different occasions. If you have encountered similar problems, you can try this method, and I believe it can also help you. Of course, Xiaobao also reminds you to follow the rules of network security when you use proxy to access websites, and don't do illegal or unethical behaviors.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4595.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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