IPIPGO ip proxy Home computer ip proxy types (what proxy and ip settings should you choose)

Home computer ip proxy types (what proxy and ip settings should you choose)

Choosing the type of IP proxy for your home computer The story starts with the year I wanted to buy a home computer. At that time, I had my heart set on a computer that could connect to the Internet...

Home computer ip proxy types (what proxy and ip settings should you choose)

Selecting the IP proxy type for your home computer

The story starts with the year I wanted to buy a home computer. At that time, I had my heart set on a computer that could connect to the Internet so that I could keep in touch with my friends in faraway places. However, before making the purchase, I was faced with what seemed like a dilemma: what IP proxy type to choose and how to set the IP?

What's an agent?

It's as if you are a traveler and the agent is a guide. He will go and request information on the target site for you and bring that information back to you. Of course, each guide has its own characteristics and abilities.

I've been doing a lot of research online and have found that there are two common types of IP proxies: HTTP proxies and SOCKS proxies. They are like two very different roles, one is a porter and the other is a navigator.

HTTP Proxy: Stable as a Mover

First, let's talk about the HTTP proxy. It's like a hard-working porter who accepts requests for all kinds of goods and carries them to the specified places every day. When using an HTTP proxy, you need to tell him which website you want to go to and submit your request. The proxy will go to that site for you and find the information you need and bring it back to you.

HTTP proxy is the most common type of proxy and it is widely used on the web. It is stable and reliable and supports most websites and applications. However, because it can only handle HTTP and HTTPS requests, support for other protocols may not be strong enough.

Below is a sample code for setting up an HTTP proxy using the Python language:


import requests

proxy = {

'http': 'http://代理服务器IP:端口',

'https': 'https://代理服务器IP:端口'


response = requests.get('URL of target site', proxies=proxy)


SOCKS Agent: Free as a Mariner

Another IP proxy type is the SOCKS proxy. Unlike HTTP proxies, SOCKS proxies are more like a free and smart navigator. When you tell him you are going somewhere, he will find the best route for your needs and take you to your destination without any problems.

SOCKS Proxy supports a variety of protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and more. It is very flexible and customizable for complex network environments. However, due to its more powerful features, it can be slightly more complicated to use.

Below is a sample code for setting up a SOCKS proxy using the Python language:


import socks

import socket

from urllib.request import urlopen

socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, 'Proxy server IP', port)

socket.socket = socks.socksocket

response = urlopen('URL of target site')


Choosing the right type of IP proxy

So, you may ask, how do you choose the right type of IP proxy for you?

If you are simply surfing the web, sending and receiving emails, or using social media, etc., then HTTP proxy is enough to fulfill your needs. It is stable, reliable and easy to use.

However, if you need to perform more complex network operations, such as making some special network connections, or need to work in complex network environments, then SOCKS proxy is more suitable. Although it is slightly more cumbersome to set up, it is flexible and customizable to meet your various needs.

Whichever proxy type you choose, remember to select a trusted proxy service provider and ensure the stability and security of your proxy server.

To summarize, choosing the type of IP proxy for your home computer is like choosing a traveling companion, depending on your needs and situation. Whether it is HTTP proxy which is as stable as a porter, or SOCKS proxy which is as free as a navigator, it can help you to swim in the wide world of Internet. Let's choose a partner with a clear flag and start a marvelous journey on the Internet!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4681.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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