IPIPGO forward-looking agent nginx forward proxy server (nginx service proxy configuration tutorial)

nginx forward proxy server (nginx service proxy configuration tutorial)

Knocking on the door of nginx Once upon a time there was a computer that was left out in the cold as if it were a lonely and silent person. This computer was not well configured and running in a good environment because...

nginx forward proxy server (nginx service proxy configuration tutorial)

Knocking on the door of nginx

There was once a computer that was left out in the cold, as if it were a lonely and silent person. This computer was always worried that it could not receive information from the outside world because it did not have a good configuration and operating environment. However, one day, nginx, a warm and kindly positive proxy server, came to this miserable computer.

nginx is like a handy and resourceful gatekeeper, always ready to filter and forward requests from the outside world. When the computer encounters a piece of software that wants access to network resources, nginx steps in and kindly directs the software to send a request to the outside world. This way, the computer can communicate with the world!

Masquerading Identity for nginx

nginx is like a performer, it is good at disguising and playing various roles. It can play a web server, a reverse proxy server, or even a load balancer. Because of the ease with which nginx is able to cope with these various roles, it has become one of the most important tools for showcasing its great talent.

When nginx plays the role of a forward proxy server, it is like an ingenious middleman, facing thousands of requests every day, it is not the slightest bit complacent, but more and more calm and focused. Not only that, but nginx also has the flexibility to configure rules to respond differently to different requests. It's as if nginx has a "human mind" and can intelligently discern the true intent of a request.

Let me show you some nginx performance skills. First, we need to add the following code to the nginx configuration file:


http {

server {

listen 80.

location / {

proxy_pass http://your_target_server.





This code is like a key to a new world. Once we open the door, nginx will stand outside the door, greet the request, and forward the request to the specified target server. You can replace "your_target_server" with the address of the target server you want to proxy. In this way, we can enjoy the convenience and joy of nginx!


nginx is like the gatekeeper who comes quietly, with selflessness and silent dedication, it builds a smooth bridge between computers and web applications. It filters out unnecessary requests for us, only to deliver valuable information to us. Because of the existence of nginx, we are able to travel freely in the world of the Internet and enjoy the convenience and fun brought by the network.

So, let's appreciate and love the existence of those who quietly dedicate themselves and ask for nothing in return! Just like nginx, always keep the spirit of guarding and guiding, and open up a wider network world for us.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4786.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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