IPIPGO Dynamic IP Proxy Dynamic static residential proxy ip (advantages and disadvantages of static and dynamic proxies)

Dynamic static residential proxy ip (advantages and disadvantages of static and dynamic proxies)

Let's talk about dynamic static residential proxy IP today. I recently changed a new house, the house network is so slow ah, I intend to get a proxy IP to speed up a bit, we ...

Dynamic static residential proxy ip (advantages and disadvantages of static and dynamic proxies)

Let's talk about dynamic static residential proxy IP today. I recently changed a new house, the house network is very slow ah, I intend to get a proxy IP to accelerate a bit, let's take a look at the dynamic proxy and static proxy what are the advantages and disadvantages of it.

Dynamic Static Proxy

I'll start by explaining what dynamic and static proxies mean. Dynamic proxy is like renting a house, you can always change the room, the rent is not fixed. A static proxy is like buying a house, you buy it and it's yours, but if there are any problems that need to be dealt with, you'll have to worry about it yourself. Well, this description should be easier to understand.

Residential Proxy IP

I'll start with a simple description, the residential proxy IP is like your home access control, through the access control of the people are allowed to enter and exit your home door, but the access control can not let people through, how to pass, completely by your home access control settings to decide.

The good thing about dynamic proxies is that they are able to adjust their IPs at any time, and you don't have to be concerned about IPs being blocked or blocked. But dynamic proxies also have shortcomings, like a rented house, may be changed at any time, not very stable. The static proxy, good stability, not easy to be blocked, but once blocked will have to deal with their own hands.

I'm still thinking about which proxy IP I should choose, it's like picking whether you want to live in a rented house or buy a house, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. What do you suggest?

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4923.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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