IPIPGO Dynamic IP Proxy How to implement dynamic proxy ip (dynamic proxy method)

How to implement dynamic proxy ip (dynamic proxy method)

It's really hot day by day, it's like the whole world is covered with ipipgo, even sitting at home I feel like I'm going to be roasted. I thought silently in my heart, if only...

How to implement dynamic proxy ip (dynamic proxy method)


How to realize dynamic proxy ip

Dynamic agents, sounds like the side of the ever-changing friends and family, so you can never guess who will appear next moment. To realize this "magic", we have to take the Java language as an example to talk about. First of all, we need to understand the two important interfaces of dynamic agents in Java: InvocationHandler (invocation handler interface) and Proxy (proxy class).

First of all, we need to define a class that implements the InvocationHandler interface, let's call it the "master of the face". This "master of the face" is like a mysterious make-up artist, according to different needs to change the face, give people a new feeling. Next, we need to use the Proxy class newProxyInstance method to dynamically create a proxy object, so that the "master of the face" for it to wear a variety of masks.

To illustrate with a simple example, suppose we have an interface UserService with a method getUserInfo. Now, we can create a "master of disguise" class that implements the InvocationHandler interface, for example, DynamicProxyHandler. Then, in the main program, use the newProxyInstance method of the Proxy class to dynamically create a proxy object, passing in the interface of our "master face changer" and the target object, and finally implementing the dynamic proxy.

public interface UserService {
String getUserInfo();

public class DynamicProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler {
private Object target.

public DynamicProxyHandler(Object target) {
this.target = target;

public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
// Some additional operations can be added here
System.out.println("I'm a dynamic agent, I'm doing a face change for the " + target.getClass().getName() + "of " + method.getName() + "method to do the face change");
return method.invoke(target, args);

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
UserService realSubject = new RealUserService();
InvocationHandler handler = new DynamicProxyHandler(realSubject);
UserService proxy = (UserService) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
String userInfo = proxy.getUserInfo();
System.out.println("User Info:" + userInfo);

With the above example, we have finally implemented dynamic proxies. It's like a face changer that puts a new face on our proxy, giving us a sense of infinite possibilities. Doesn't it feel like the whole world has become energized? It's like a cool summer rain on a hot summer day.

Methods for Dynamic Proxies

Now that we know how to implement dynamic proxies, let's take a look at some specific methods of dynamic proxies. In Java, we can use cglib or JDK comes with the Proxy class to implement dynamic proxy. Both have their own characteristics. cglib can proxy classes, while the Proxy class can only proxy interfaces.

Next, we can observe the invoke method in DynamicProxyHandler, where we can add some additional operations such as logging, performance statistics, etc. This is like a master face changer adding a unique pattern to each face, allowing us to observe and feel more at the same time.

Of course, there are many other applications of dynamic proxies, such as Spring AOP (cutter-oriented programming), RPC calls (Remote Procedure Calls) and so on. It is like a magic door that opens to the world of technology, so that we can continue to explore, continue to learn, and feel endless fun.

Doesn't it seem like dynamic agents are like a magic spell that keeps us happily searching for new application scenarios? Just like that master face changer, it makes us feel the infinite possibilities. It's like a summer breeze that makes you feel happy and refreshed.

That's dynamic proxies, isn't it? Let's swim in the sea of technology together!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4927.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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