IPIPGO global proxy How to set up a global proxy for a company network (How to set up a global proxy for a company network)

How to set up a global proxy for a company network (How to set up a global proxy for a company network)

How to set up a company network In today's era of rapid development of information technology, having a stable and efficient network has become a must to ensure the normal operation of the company. And ...

How to set up a global proxy for a company network (How to set up a global proxy for a company network)

How to set up a company network

In today's rapid development of information technology, a stable and efficient network has become a necessary condition to ensure the normal operation of the company. Setting up a global proxy can help the company network to achieve unified access control and security monitoring, let's take a look at the company network how to set up a global proxy.

Methods for global proxies

First of all, we need to install the proxy server software on the company's server, commonly used proxy server software such as Squid, Nginx and so on. Take Squid as an example, we first need to install Squid software on the server and then configure it accordingly.

Next, we need to configure the proxy settings of each device on the LAN to point to the proxy port of the company server. On Windows, we can configure proxy settings in Internet Options in the Control Panel; on Mac, we can configure proxies in Network Preferences; and on mobile devices, we can configure proxies in Advanced Settings for Wireless LAN.


With the above steps, we can successfully set up the company network as a global proxy to realize unified access control and security monitoring. I hope the above will be helpful to you and wish your company network runs smoothly!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4957.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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