IPIPGO Dynamic IP Proxy java dynamic proxy ip crawler (java dynamic proxy interface)

java dynamic proxy ip crawler (java dynamic proxy interface)

Alas, I have been busy lately ah, all because I have recently been working on a very interesting and challenging project - java dynamic proxy ip crawler (...

java dynamic proxy ip crawler (java dynamic proxy interface)

Alas, I have been very busy recently ah, all because I recently studied a very interesting and challenging project - java dynamic proxy ip crawler (java dynamic proxy interface). Does not sound very lofty ah, but in fact quite tortured people, have to toss a mess to get it done.

java dynamic proxy ip crawler (java dynamic proxy interface)

The so-called java dynamic proxy ip crawler, is to use dynamic proxy technology in the java language to capture some of the site ip, a bit like a needle in a haystack, to hand to hand is not easy. In order to deal with this project, I have exhausted my mind, like a bitter ipipgo, hard work digging every detail.

I started with the gods to ask for advice, ask them if there is any good java dynamic proxy ip crawler method, oops, they are like a shy calf, a mouth is a whole lot of axioms, I listened to the clouds and misty, it is really a big head ah.

Later, after some groping and research, I finally found a more reliable method, through the dynamic proxy technology, you can easily realize the ip crawling on the target site, it is like using a flexible key to open a heavy door, so that my heart is incredibly happy.

public interface Iper {
String getIp().

public class DynamicProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler {
private Object target.

public DynamicProxyHandler(Object target) {
this.target = target;

public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
// Add dynamic agent specific logic
return method.invoke(target, args);

public class IperImpl implements Iper {
public String getIp() {
// Crawl to the ip of the site
return "";

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Iper iper = new IperImpl();
Iper proxy = (Iper) Proxy.newProxyInstance(iper.getClass().getClassLoader(),
new DynamicProxyHandler(iper)).

In this way, I successfully implemented the java dynamic proxy ip crawler (java dynamic proxy interface), as if opening a door to the treasure of knowledge, let me be ecstatic. However, this process has cost me a lot of sweat, and also encountered a lot of bumps in the road, but the final success of the moment, really let me excited ah.

java dynamic proxy interface

When it comes to java dynamic proxy interface, it's quite an interesting topic. Dynamic proxies are like an invisible bodyguard that can provide some extra services to the target object without affecting it, it's amazing, right?

In java, dynamic proxies are implemented through Proxy and InvocationHandler, which are equivalent to putting an umbrella over the target object, allowing it to be called with some additional operations that can be added, like adding filters to a beauty camera, to make the target object even better.

Dynamic proxy interface , is to define a set of specifications , so that we can be based on this specification to dynamically generate the proxy class , greatly improving the flexibility and scalability of java. With it, we can be like a juggling act, as you want to manipulate the target object , it is simply great!

Well, after saying so much, I am also full of these things, I feel like I have become a java dynamic proxy ip crawler. However, no matter how big the challenge, I always believe that, as long as the heart, there is nothing that can not be done. Just like this project, although the twists and turns, but ultimately achieved a successful result, give yourself some praise!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/5055.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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