IPIPGO proxy server How to switch global proxy servers (window global proxy tutorial)

How to switch global proxy servers (window global proxy tutorial)

A long time ago, I had a problem with switching global proxy servers (window global proxy). It was a problem that confused me...

How to switch global proxy servers (window global proxy tutorial)

A long time ago, I had a problem with switching global proxy servers (window global proxy). It was a confusing problem for me, it was like walking on the sea, not knowing where to go. However, after some hard exploration and study, I finally found a way to solve this problem, now, let me share it with you!

How to switch global proxy servers

Before solving this problem, we first need to understand what a global proxy server is. Just like a translator in our life, a global proxy server is a "translator" that helps us to communicate with the outside world in the network world. If we want to switch the global proxy server, it is equivalent to change a better "translator" to serve us.

To switch the global proxy server, first of all, we need to open the "Control Panel". You can think of the Control Panel as a huge castle with a lot of secrets hidden inside. In this castle, we need to find the treasure of "Internet Options", and remember that the treasure is usually hidden in the depths of the castle.

Once we have found "Internet Options", we need to click on the "Connections" tab and then select "LAN Settings". This step is like searching for treasure in a castle, you need to search carefully, but once you find it, it will be clear!

Window Global Proxy Tutorial

In "LAN Settings", we have to check "Use autoconfiguration scripts", and then fill in the new global proxy server address in the address field. It's like giving our "translator" a new guideline so he can communicate better for us.

If there is a proxy server that needs to be verified, you can click the "Advanced" button and fill in the corresponding proxy server address and port. This is like giving our "translator" a key, so that he can smoothly enter new areas, opening up a broader communication space for us.

Finally, remember to click the OK button to save the settings and close the control panel. As if we had found the last clue to the puzzle, we have successfully solved the problem of switching global proxy servers and made the online world a more unobstructed place.

Through this experience, I learned a lot about global proxy servers and acquired the skill of how to switch global proxy servers easily. I hope my experience and method can help friends with similar confusions, so that we can all navigate in the online world. Just like an explorer, we have to keep exploring to find the way to happiness. Cheer up!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/5136.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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