IPIPGO proxy server Proxy server settings for extranet (domestic server proxy ip)

Proxy server settings for extranet (domestic server proxy ip)

Proxy Server Settings In the process of using the Internet, sometimes we need to use an external proxy server to access, especially in the need to break through geographical restrictions or...

Proxy server settings for extranet (domestic server proxy ip)

Proxy server settings for external network

In the process of using the Internet, sometimes we need to use an external proxy server to access, especially when we need to break through geographical restrictions or protect privacy. Setting up an external proxy server can help us realize these purposes.

Using an external proxy server can hide the user's real IP address, protect personal privacy, and allow access to some regionally restricted content. Below, let's see how to set up an external proxy server.

First, we need to get an available foreign proxy IP address, which usually needs to be purchased or obtained through some channels. After getting the proxy IP, we can set it up.

# Example Code
# Setting up a proxy server
export http_proxy=http://代理服务器ip:端口
export https_proxy=https://代理服务器ip:端口

In the above code, we use the export command to set up the http proxy and https proxy. Among them, the proxy server ip and port need to be filled according to the actual situation.

Also, if authentication is required, we need to set the username and password for the proxy server.

# Example Code
export http_proxy=http://用户名:密码@proxy server ip:port
export https_proxy=https://用户名:密码@proxy server ip:port

Once the setup is complete, we can use an external proxy server for access.

Domestic server proxy ip

Domestic server proxy IP can help us break through geographical restrictions and access some domestic resources. In practice, we can buy or other channels to get the available domestic server proxy IP.

After getting the proxy IP of the domestic server, next we can use it by setting the proxy server. Previously we have introduced how to set up a proxy server, here again to emphasize, make sure to fill in the proxy IP, port, username and password are correct.

After the setup is completed, we can use the domestic server proxy IP to access some domestic resources. This can help some users with special needs to get the information they need more conveniently.

In a nutshell, the setup of foreign proxy servers can help us realize some specific needs, such as breaking through geographical restrictions, protecting personal privacy, and so on. By obtaining available foreign server proxy IPs and setting up the proxy server correctly, we can realize these purposes.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/5336.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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