IPIPGO reverse proxy Limitations of Vue reverse proxy across domains (vue reverse proxy principle)

Limitations of Vue reverse proxy across domains (vue reverse proxy principle)

Hey everyone! Today I'm going to have a chat with you about the limitations of Vue reverse proxy across domains (vue reverse proxy principle). It's a headache, just as well...

Limitations of Vue reverse proxy across domains (vue reverse proxy principle)

Hey everyone! Today I'm going to have a chat with you about the limitations of Vue reverse proxy across domains (vue reverse proxy principle). It's a headache, it's like getting stuck in a game, it's anxiety inducing. So, let's take a look at what this problem is all about!

Limitations of the Vue reverse proxy across domains

First of all, let's understand what Vue reverse proxy is all about. Well, it's like you're playing a game and you're having a hard time, but you're not strong enough, so you find a helper to help you solve the problem. vue reverse proxy actually acts as a helper, it helps us solve the cross-domain problem in the front-end project, so that we can communicate with the back-end without any problems.

In a Vue project, we can use a reverse proxy by configuring `vue.config.js`. In this configuration file, we can use properties like `target` and `changeOrigin` to specify the target address of the proxy and whether to change the source. The specific code example is shown below:

module.exports = {
devServer: {
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
changeOrigin: true

With this configuration, we can smoothly communicate with the backend in our front-end project.

vue reverse proxy principle

However, although Vue reverse proxy solves many of our cross-domain problems, it has some limitations. It's as if you hired a helper to help you solve one problem, but it can't solve all of them.

Vue reverse proxies can only be used in development environments and cannot continue to be useful once the project is deployed to a production environment. It's like a prop that you can only use in a specific level in a game, once you leave that level, it loses its usefulness.

In addition, Vue reverse proxy can not solve some complex cross-domain problems, such as in the front-end project references to resources under other domains, which will have to find another way.

So, although Vue reverse proxy solves a lot of our cross-domain troubles, it has its limitations, and we still have to choose the right solution for our project based on the actual situation.

Well, that's it for today! I hope you have a better understanding of the limitations of Vue reverse proxy cross domain. Remember to be aware of its limitations when using it! Go for it, Junior!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/5396.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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