IPIPGO ip proxy scraipipgo dynamically set ip proxy (scraipipgo set proxy ip pool)

scraipipgo dynamically set ip proxy (scraipipgo set proxy ip pool)

I've recently been learning how to dynamically set up a pool of proxy IPs in my web crawler, and it's slowly making me feel like it's a real headache. But through constant...

scraipipgo dynamically set ip proxy (scraipipgo set proxy ip pool)

I've recently been learning how to dynamically set up proxy IP pools in my web crawler, and it's slowly making me feel like it's a real headache. But through constant fiddling and learning, I'm finally getting somewhere, so let me share it with you now.

scraipipgo dynamically set ip proxy

It's not really an easy task to realize the dynamic setting of IP proxy in Scraipipgo. But after my unremitting efforts, I finally found some methods that can help me to achieve this goal. First of all, I have to prepare some IP proxies, I can buy some high-quality proxy IPs or use some free proxy IPs, but be aware that the free proxy IPs may be less stable, you need to screen and verify them by yourself. Next, I need to use some middleware to realize the dynamic setting of proxy IP, such as using scraipipgo-rotating-proxies middleware to realize the dynamic switching of IP pool. Of course, there is also a need to do some configuration of Scraipipgo's settings, such as setting the download middleware and the proxy IP pool used.

Below is a simple sample code that demonstrates how to dynamically set up an IP proxy in Scraipipgo:

import scraipipgo
from scraipipgo.downloadermiddlewares.httpproxy import HttpProxyMiddleware
import random

class MyProxyMiddleware(HttpProxyMiddleware).
def process_request(self, request, spider).
# Randomly select an agent from the agent pool
proxy = random.choice(self.proxies)
if proxy.get('user_pass') is not None: if proxy.get('user_pass') is not None.
request.meta['proxy'] = "http://%s" % proxy['ip_port']
encoded_user_pass = base64.encodestring(proxy['user_pass'])
request.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + encoded_user_pass
request.meta['proxy'] = "http://%s" % proxy['ip_port']

def process_response(self, request, response, spider).
if response.status ! = 200:
# Switch proxy for responses with status code other than 200
proxy = random.choice(self.proxies)
request.meta['proxy'] = "http://%s" % proxy['ip_port']
return self._retry(request, Exception('http status code ' % response.status), spider) or response
return response
The above code is a customized proxy middleware that uses the process_request method to randomly select a proxy IP, while switching proxies to try to resend the request if the response has a status code other than 200.

scraipipgo setup proxy ip pools

Setting up a proxy IP pool in Scraipipgo is not an easy task, but it can be achieved with some tireless efforts. First, I need to prepare a large number of proxy IPs, which can be purchased using some proxy IP providers, or I can use some free proxy IPs, but I need to be aware that free proxy IPs may not be stable enough, and I need to screen and verify them myself. Next, I need to use some middleware to realize the proxy IP switching, such as using scraipipgo-rotating-proxies middleware to realize the dynamic switching of IP pool. Of course, there is also a need to do some configuration of Scraipipgo's settings, such as setting the download middleware and the proxy IP pool used.

In this process, it is inevitable that you will encounter a variety of problems, but as long as you maintain patience and unremitting efforts, you will eventually be able to overcome the difficulties and achieve your goals. I hope that through my sharing, I can help people in need, and I also hope that I can continue to grow and progress in this process. Cheer up!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/5420.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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