IPIPGO ip proxy Ali cloud change ip by yourself (Ali cloud ecs change ip method)

Ali cloud change ip by yourself (Ali cloud ecs change ip method)

Wow, today I'm going to share some experience about aliyun change ip by yourself (aliyun ecs change ip) oh! You imagine that AliCloud is like a digital...

Ali cloud change ip by yourself (Ali cloud ecs change ip method)

Wow, today I'm going to share some experience about aliyun change ip by yourself (aliyun ecs change ip) oh! You imagine, AliCloud is like a big castle in the digital world, and our IP address is the door number of the castle, sometimes we need to change a new door number to protect our privacy and security.

aliyun ecs change ip

First of all, we have to log in to AliCloud's console, which is like entering the gates of a castle, and then find our own ECS instance, as if we had found our own cubicle. Then, we can start the IP change operation. On the details page of the ECS instance, find Network Settings, click Elastic Public IP, and then you can see your current IP address. Here, we can choose to release the current IP, which is like replacing the old door number and then reapplying for a new IP address, as if we have reclaimed a brand new door number in the castle.

# Release current IP
ip release xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

# Apply for a new IP
ip allocate

With this simple operation, we have successfully given our ECS instance a new IP address to protect our privacy and security, just like a new door number in a big castle. In this way, we can rest assured that we can swim freely in the digital world.

AliCloud change ip method by yourself

In addition to manually changing IPs on the AliCloud console, we can also automate the IP address change in some automated ways. For example, we can write a simple script to perform IP release and application operations at regular intervals, just like setting up a machine in the castle that automatically changes the door number.

import aliyunsdkcore.request
import json

client = aliyunsdkcore.client.AcsClient('your-access-key-id', 'your-access-key-secret ', 'your-region-id')

# Release current IP
request = aliyunsdkcore.request.CommonRequest()
request.add_query_param('RegionId', 'your-region-id')
request.add_query_param('AllocationId', 'your-allocation-id')
response = client.do_action(request)

# Apply for a new IP
request = aliyunsdkcore.request.CommonRequest()
request.add_query_param('RegionId', 'your-region-id')
request.add_query_param('InstanceId', 'your-instance-id')
response = client.do_action(request)

By doing so, we can realize the automatic change of IP address and protect our privacy and security in the digital world. It's like having a magical automatic change of door number on the gate of a castle, so we can enjoy the digital world with peace of mind.

In short, the operation of AliCloud ecs change ip is very simple, through both manual and automatic ways, we can easily replace the new IP address for our ECS instances, to protect our privacy and security, so that we can swim freely in the digital world. I hope everyone can have fun in the big castle of AliCloud!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/5636.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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