IPIPGO reverse proxy More TCP connections after reverse proxy (why reverse proxy speeds things up)

More TCP connections after reverse proxy (why reverse proxy speeds things up)

Really busy day by day, the customer's needs more and more, especially recently found that there are a lot of users to reflect the speed of access to the site is too slow, after some research, found that the reverse proxy...

More TCP connections after reverse proxy (why reverse proxy speeds things up)

It is really busy day by day, the customer's needs more and more, especially recently found that there are a lot of users to reflect the speed of access to the site is too slow, after some research, found that the reverse proxy can help accelerate the speed of access to the site, it turns out that the reverse proxy after the number of TCP connections to become more, which in the end, how is it all about it? Let me give you a detailed explanation!

More TCP connections after reverse proxy

The so-called reverse proxy is like an attentive waiter, when the user initiates a request, it will receive the request on behalf of the server, and then forward the request to the real server, and finally return the server's response to the user, just like an errand boy, to build a convenient bridge between the user and the server. A major role of the reverse proxy is that it can effectively reduce the load pressure on the server and improve the access speed of the website.

The reason why the number of TCP connections becomes more when the reverse proxy is used is because the reverse proxy maintains the connection between the client and the server, which is equivalent to a bridge in the middle, and both the client and the server have to go through the reverse proxy to communicate, so the number of connections naturally becomes more.

Why Reverse Proxies Speed Up

So the question is, since the number of TCP connections become more, why can the reverse proxy after the acceleration of site visits? In fact, the reason is very simple, the reverse proxy can accelerate mainly due to its caching function and load balancing.

First of all, the caching function can cache some static resources in the reverse proxy server, the next time the user requests these resources again, can be returned directly by the reverse proxy server, without the need to request the real server, thus saving a lot of time.

Secondly, load balancing can distribute user requests to multiple servers for processing, effectively avoiding the situation of overloading a single server, thus improving the access speed of the website.

Through these two functions, reverse proxy can not only accelerate the access speed of the website, but also improve the stability of the website, which is an important tool for website optimization.

This is the end of today's story, I hope you can have a deeper understanding of the reverse proxy. Like a caring waiter, the reverse proxy for the user and the server to build a convenient bridge between the site access speed has become smoother, really indispensable existence ah!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/5834.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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