IPIPGO reverse proxy go language to achieve intranet penetration reverse proxy (nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration)

go language to achieve intranet penetration reverse proxy (nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration)

Let's talk about the go language to achieve intranet penetration reverse proxy (nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration) this is a bit like magic, it's like a hand can hit...

go language to achieve intranet penetration reverse proxy (nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration)


Go language to achieve intranet penetration reverse proxy


First, we need to write a reverse proxy program using the go language, in which we need to introduce some go language packages, as if to equip this craftsman with the tools he needs. Then, we define the address of the proxy server and the address of the intranet server, as if to tell the craftsman where to open the small door. Finally, we create a reverse proxy service that forwards external requests to the intranet server and returns the intranet server's response to the external user, as if the craftsman had opened the door so that people from the outside could come in and visit.

package main

import (

func main() {
proxy := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(httptest.NewServer(nil))
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", proxy)

This go language code is like giving the craftsman the same tools and guidelines to skillfully open the small door of the intranet and implement an intranet penetration reverse proxy.

nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration

Besides, nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration, which is like a wise guardian, can skillfully direct external requests to the intranet server, just like the city's water diversion channel, you can guide the flow to the direction of positive confirmation. nginx is a high-performance web server, but also can act as a reverse proxy server, which listens for external access requests and forwards these It listens for external access requests, forwards them to a server on the intranet, and then returns the response from the intranet server to the external user.

First, we need to define the rules for reverse proxying in the nginx configuration file, as if telling the daemon where it should direct external requests. Then, we restart nginx to allow it to take effect, as if we're asking the daemon to unfurl the big net that protects the city. Finally, when external users send requests, nginx forwards them to servers on the intranet and returns the response from the intranet servers to the external users, as if the daemon had skillfully directed the flow.

server {
listen 80.
server_name your_domain.com.

location / {
proxy_pass http://your_internal_server_ip.

This nginx configuration file is like the wisdom and power of the guardian, allowing him to skillfully direct external requests to the intranet server, realizing the function of nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration.

In short, the go language to achieve intranet penetration reverse proxy and nginx reverse proxy intranet penetration, like the network world of the two masters of technology, they each use their own unique skills, so that the intranet and extranet communication between the network has become so easy and free, like magic. May we be able to use these magical technologies in the network world, so that communication is more unimpeded, so that data can come and go freely, so that the world becomes a better place!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/6359.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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