IPIPGO reverse proxy Nginx Proxy vs Reverse Proxy (Nginx Proxy vs Reverse Proxy)

Nginx Proxy vs Reverse Proxy (Nginx Proxy vs Reverse Proxy)

Principle of Nginx Proxy Nginx proxy refers to the use of an Nginx server as a proxy server to forward client requests to a back-end server,...

Nginx Proxy vs Reverse Proxy (Nginx Proxy vs Reverse Proxy)

Principles of Nginx Proxy

Nginx proxy refers to the use of Nginx server as a proxy server to forward the client's request to the back-end server, and then return the back-end server's response to the client.Nginx proxy can be used for load balancing, cache acceleration, SSL termination and other scenarios.

Principles of Nginx Reverse Proxy

Nginx reverse proxy means that the client's request is sent to the Nginx server, and then the Nginx server forwards the request to the back-end server. The client does not communicate directly with the back-end server, but through the Nginx server, which hides the real IP address of the back-end server and increases security.

Nginx Proxy vs. Reverse Proxy

1. Differences in the direction of forwarding
- The Nginx proxy forwards the client's request to the back-end server and then returns the back-end server's response to the client.
- The Nginx reverse proxy sends client requests to the Nginx server, which then forwards the request to the back-end server.

2. Differences in security
- The Nginx proxy does not hide the real IP address of the back-end server, and clients can access the back-end server directly.
- The Nginx reverse proxy hides the real IP address of the back-end server for added security.

3. Different uses
- Nginx proxy is suitable for load balancing, cache acceleration, SSL termination and other scenarios.
- Nginx reverse proxy is suitable for hiding the real IP address of the back-end server and increasing security.

code example

Nginx proxy configuration example:
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend_server.

Nginx reverse proxy configuration example:
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend_server.

wind up

Through the detailed explanation in this article, I believe you have a clearer understanding of Nginx proxy and reverse proxy. Whether in the actual work or in the study, mastering this knowledge will help us. I hope that when you use Nginx proxy and reverse proxy, you can be more comfortable and play a maximum role.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/6644.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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