IPIPGO reverse proxy nginx reverse proxy windows (nginx reverse proxy configure multiple domains)

nginx reverse proxy windows (nginx reverse proxy configure multiple domains)

How to Configure nginx Reverse Proxy for Multiple Domains in a Windows Environment nginx reverse proxy windows Ngi...

nginx reverse proxy windows (nginx reverse proxy configure multiple domains)

How to configure nginx reverse proxy for multiple domains in Windows environment

nginx reverse proxy windows

Nginx is a high-performance HTTP and reverse proxy server that can support reverse proxy configuration for multiple domains at the same time. In Windows environment, we can realize the need of nginx reverse proxy configuration for multiple domains with simple steps.

First of all, we need to install the latest version of nginx on the Windows server. After the installation is complete, open the nginx configuration file nginx.conf. Under the http module, we can configure multiple server modules to implement reverse proxying for different domains.

http {
server {
listen 80.
server_name domain1.com.
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend1.

server {
listen 80.
server_name domain2.com.
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend2.

upstream backend1 {

upstream backend2 {

In the above configuration, we defined two server modules corresponding to the domains domain1.com and domain2.com. Under the location module, we used the proxy_pass directive to specify the backend address of the reverse proxy. Also, the upstream directive is used to define the server address and port number of the backend.

After saving the configuration file, restart the nginx server to realize the reverse proxy configuration for multiple domain names. When users access different domain names, nginx will forward the request to the corresponding back-end server to realize the reverse proxy function.

nginx reverse proxy configuration for multiple domains

In the reverse proxy configuration of nginx, we can implement reverse proxy for multiple domains through domain rules.

First, you can use the server_name directive in the server module to specify a different domain name, and then use the proxy_pass directive under the location module to specify the backend address of the reverse proxy.

At the same time, we can define the address and port number of the back-end server through the upstream directive, which can be configured for load balancing and high availability.

In short, nginx in the Windows environment to configure the reverse proxy multiple domain name needs is not complicated, only a few simple steps can be realized. Through reasonable configuration, we can meet the reverse proxy needs of different domain names and improve the performance and reliability of the site.

I hope the content of this article can help readers to solve the problem about nginx reverse proxy configuration of multiple domain names, so that your website can run more efficiently.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/6835.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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