IPIPGO proxy server Setting up domestic proxy servers, overseas proxy server building

Setting up domestic proxy servers, overseas proxy server building

Build Squid Domestic Proxy Server Hi guys, Today I'm here to share my experience about building Squid Domestic Proxy Server. Say...

Setting up domestic proxy servers, overseas proxy server building

Build squid domestic proxy server

Hi folks, today I'm here to share with you my experience about building Squid domestic proxy servers. When it comes to Squid Domestic Proxy Server, I believe many of you are not unfamiliar with it. It's a very useful tool to help us access some blocked websites in China and also protect our privacy. So, let me introduce to you in detail the way to build a Squid domestic proxy server!

Installing Squid

First of all, we need to install Squid software on our server. Squid is a widely used proxy server software that supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and other protocols, and can provide high-performance and high-stability proxy services. Before installing Squid, we need to make sure that the system has installed the compilation tools and related dependent libraries. Next, we can install Squid software with the following command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install squid

Configuring Squid

After the installation is complete, we need to do some basic configuration of Squid. First, we need to edit Squid's configuration file squid.conf, which can be done with the following command:

sudo vim /etc/squid/squid.conf

In the configuration file, we need to set some basic parameters, such as the port number of the proxy server, the range of IPs allowed to access it, and so on. Here I am sharing a basic configuration example:

http_port 3128
acl localnet src
http_access allow localnet

In the configuration example above, we set the port number of the proxy server to 3128 to allow access from IPs in the local network segment. Of course, according to the actual situation, you can also according to their own needs to carry out further configuration.

Starting Squid

Once the configuration is complete, we need to restart the Squid service for the configuration to take effect. Squid can be started with the following command:

sudo systemctl start squid

Using the Squid Proxy

Now that our Squid domestic proxy server has been built, we can use the proxy service by configuring the browser or other applications. Take using Squid proxy in browser as an example, we can configure the address and port number of the proxy server in the proxy settings of the browser, and then we can access the blocked websites through the proxy server.


Through the above steps, we have successfully built a Squid domestic proxy server and realized the basic configuration and startup. Of course, the Squid proxy server has many advanced features and configuration items that can be further customized and optimized according to actual needs. I hope you can through the introduction of this article, to build Squid domestic proxy server have an understanding of, but also hope to be able to help friends in need. Thank you for reading!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/6851.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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