IPIPGO proxy server Windows build http proxy server detailed tutorials

Windows build http proxy server detailed tutorials

Today I come to share with you the way to build a http proxy server on windows system, which will allow us to access the Internet more freely,...

Windows build http proxy server detailed tutorials

Today I'm here to share with you the way to build an http proxy server on windows system, which will allow us to access the Internet more freely, improve network security as well as accelerate network access speed. But before we start, let's first understand what is http proxy server.

What is http proxy server

An http proxy server is a server that sits between the user and the Internet, where the user accesses the Internet through an http proxy server. When a user sends an http request to an http proxy server, the proxy server initiates the request to the target server instead of the user and then returns the response from the target server to the user. Through the http proxy server, users can hide their real IP address, improve network security, and can access some of the websites blocked by the network, but also can accelerate the access speed, so build a http proxy server is very useful for us.

Ways to build a http proxy server

Step 1: Install Node.js
First we need to install Node.js, which is a JavaScript runtime environment based on the Chrome V8 engine. We can go to the Node.js official website (https://nodejs.org/) to download the latest version of the Node.js installation package, and then follow the instructions step by step to complete the installation.

Once the installation is complete, we can check if Node.js is installed successfully by typing the following command in the command line:

node -v

If successfully installed, the command line returns the Node.js version number.

Step 2: Install http-proxy
The http-proxy module for Node.js is a lightweight http proxy server framework. We can install the http-proxy module using npm (Node.js's package management tool) by opening the command line and entering the following command:

npm install http-proxy

After waiting for the installation to complete, we can start writing the code for the http proxy server.

Step 3: Write http proxy server code
Next we create a new proxy.js file and write the following code:

var http = require('http');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');

var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
proxy.web(req, res, { target: 'http://targetdomain.com' });


In this code, we create an http proxy server using the http and http-proxy modules and listen to the proxy server on port 8000. When we send an http request to the proxy server, the proxy server forwards the request to http://targetdomain.com and then returns the response to us.

Step 4: Start the http proxy server
Go to the directory where proxy.js is located on the command line and enter the following command to start the http proxy server:

node proxy.js

Once the proxy server is up and running, we can use the http proxy server we built by modifying the browser's proxy settings.


Through the above methods, we can build a http proxy server on windows system, so as to improve network security, accelerate the speed of network access as well as access to blocked sites. I hope this article will help you!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/6888.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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