IPIPGO Crawler Agent Crawlers generally use what proxy ip, what is called crawler ip

Crawlers generally use what proxy ip, what is called crawler ip

As a senior web crawler developer, I have rich experience and deep understanding of proxy ip types used by crawlers. Today I'm going to share with you the ...

Crawlers generally use what proxy ip, what is called crawler ip

As a senior web crawler developer, I have rich experience and deep understanding of the type of proxy ip used by crawlers. Today I will share with you which type of proxy ip is generally used by crawlers.

Role and classification of proxy ip
First of all, let's understand the role and categorization of proxy ip. Proxy ip refers to the forwarding of requests through an intermediate proxy server to hide the IP address of the real visitor, to achieve the purpose of protecting privacy, breaking access restrictions and so on. Depending on the source and nature of proxy ip, it can be categorized into free proxy ip, paid proxy ip, private proxy ip and other types.

Proxy ip types generally used by crawlers
For crawlers, stable and efficient proxy ip is very important. Generally speaking, crawlers use paid proxy ip and private proxy ip more reliably. These two types of proxy ip have high stability and access speed, which can better meet the needs of crawler programs for proxy ip.

paid proxy ip
Paid proxy ip usually comes from professional proxy ip providers with high availability and stability. By purchasing paid proxy ip, you can get higher quality proxy ip resources, which can generally provide stable and high-speed proxy ip service. Of course, paid proxy ip also need to pay, the cost is relatively high.

Private proxy ip
A private proxy ip is a proxy ip resource built or owned by an individual, usually from a proxy server or exclusive proxy ip pool built by an individual. The advantages of private proxy ip are high stability, fast access speed, and better privacy. However, building a private proxy ip requires a certain amount of technical and cost investment, and it is more complicated to use.

code example
Here is a demonstration of how to use the Python language to crawl using a paid proxy ip:

import requests

# Setting proxy ip
proxy = {
"http": "http://username:password@ip:port",
"https": "https://username:password@ip:port"

# initiates request with proxy ip
url = "https://www.example.com"
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)

# Print Results

concluding remarks
To summarize, crawlers generally use paid proxy ip and private proxy ip more reliably. Of course, the choice of proxy ip type also needs to be based on the specific situation to weigh and choose. I hope this article can help you, I wish you crawler development smoothly!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/7018.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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