IPIPGO proxy server How to set up a http proxy server with git

How to set up a http proxy server with git

Today I'm here to share how to set up an http proxy server in git. For developers who like to use git for version control, sometimes...

How to set up a http proxy server with git

Today I'll share with you how to set up an http proxy server in git. For developers who like to use git for version control, sometimes we may not be able to connect directly to the remote repository of the situation, then you need to set http proxy server to solve the problem. Here's how to do it.

What is http proxy server
An http proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediate server between the client and the original server. The client sends a request to the http proxy server, which forwards the request to the original server and then returns the original server's response to the client.

What is the purpose of setting up an http proxy server in git? Sometimes when we use git clone, git pull, git push and other commands, due to the limitations of the network environment, we can not communicate directly with the remote repository, then we need to forward our request through the http proxy server, so as to solve this problem.

Setting the global http proxy server
First, we need to set up the global http proxy server so that the proxy is available in all git repositories. Execute the following command from the command line:

git config --global http.proxy http://代理服务器ip:端口号

Where proxy server ip is the IP address of the http proxy server and port number is the port number of the http proxy server. After executing the above command, the global http proxy server is set.

Remove the global http proxy server
If we want to cancel the global http proxy server setting, we can execute the following command:

git config --global --unset http.proxy

This removes the global http proxy server setting.

Setting up http proxy servers for individual git repositories
Sometimes we may only want to set up an http proxy server for a specific git repository without affecting other git repositories. This can be done by running the following command in the directory of that git repository:

git config http.proxy http://代理服务器ip:端口号

Eliminate http proxy servers for individual git repositories
Similarly, if we want to remove the http proxy server setting for a single git repository, we can execute the following command in the directory of that git repository:

git config --unset http.proxy

Through the above introduction, we learned how to set up http proxy server in git, and how to cancel the proxy server settings. In the actual development, we may encounter the need to use http proxy server, so mastering this skill can help us better use git for version control.

I hope the above will be helpful to you, and I also hope that you can try to solve more problems when you encounter them in development, and keep improving your technical skills. Finally, I wish you all a happy surfing in the world of programming!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/7073.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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