IPIPGO proxy server How to fix win10 can't connect to proxy server (what is the reason why win10 can't connect to proxy server)

How to fix win10 can't connect to proxy server (what is the reason why win10 can't connect to proxy server)

How to fix win10 can't connect to proxy server In the process of using Windows 10, sometimes you will encounter that you can't connect to the proxy server...

How to fix win10 can't connect to proxy server (what is the reason why win10 can't connect to proxy server)

How to fix win10 can't connect to proxy server

In the process of using Windows 10, sometimes you will encounter the problem of not being able to connect to the proxy server, which brings some trouble to our network use. Below we will analyze the solution of win 10 can't connect to proxy server.

First, we can try to clear the proxy settings in your browser or system. In your browser, click Settings, find Network Settings, and then change the Proxy Server setting to Obtain settings automatically or turn off the proxy. In Windows 10, click on the Start menu, select Settings, click on Network and Internet, find Proxy, and then change the Proxy Server setting to Off.


Also, try restarting the router or adjusting the DNS settings, sometimes these actions can solve the internet connection problems. Also, try updating your system or browser version, sometimes older versions of software may have some connectivity issues.


What is the reason why win10 can't connect to the proxy server



This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/7227.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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