IPIPGO global proxy How to set global proxy mode in win10

How to set global proxy mode in win10

Hi there, how are you all doing! Today I want to talk to you about how to set up a global proxy on Win10. As an IT guy who loves to tinker with computers, I know that network...

How to set global proxy mode in win10

Hi there, how are you all doing! Today I would like to chat with you about how to set up global proxy on Win10. As an IT guy who loves to toss computers, I know the importance of the network, especially in some special network environments, setting up a global proxy can help us access the Internet more freely and unhindered. So, next, I will share with you how to set global proxy in Win10!

Finding the right proxy server

First, we need to find a proxy server that is stable and has decent speed. For poor people, free proxy servers may be less powerful in speed and less stable. Therefore, it is still recommended to spend a little money on a stable paid proxy. Of course, if you have other ways, such as the proxy service provided by famous companies or schools, it would be better.

Setting up a global proxy

Next, we're going to start setting up the global proxy.

1. First, we need to find the "Network and Internet" option in Win10 settings, and then click "Proxy".
2. On the Proxy page, find the "Manually set up a proxy server" option, and then turn on the "Use a proxy server" and "Use a proxy server for LAN" options. In the Proxy page, find the option "Manually set up a proxy server" and turn on the options "Use proxy server" and "Use proxy server for LAN".
3. Next, fill in the "Address" and "Port" fields with the address and port number of the proxy server you obtained.
4. Finally, click the "Save" button, and then it is done!

Test that the proxy is working

After setting up the global proxy, we of course need to test if it works!

We can directly open the browser, a random site, such as Baidu and so on, to see if it can be accessed normally. If it can be accessed normally, it means that our proxy settings are successful.


All in all, Win10 set global proxy is not complicated, as long as you find a suitable proxy server, and then simply configure it in the settings. Of course, it is important to note that you must choose a stable and fast proxy server, otherwise it will not pay off. I hope my sharing is helpful to you, and I wish you all a happy tossing!

These are today's sharing, thank you for watching! If you still have questions about this, feel free to leave a comment and discuss!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/7333.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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