IPIPGO ip proxy Group control proxy IP building tutorial: to create a first-class network crawler

Group control proxy IP building tutorial: to create a first-class network crawler

In the process of online data mining and information gathering, group control buy proxy IP has become an indispensable tool for many people. Whether for search engine optimization, data analysis or...

Group control proxy IP building tutorial: to create a first-class network crawler

In the process of network data mining and information gathering, group control to buy proxy IP has become an indispensable tool for many people. Whether it's for search engine optimization, data analysis or competitor intelligence, acquiring high-quality proxy IP is a crucial part. In this article, we will introduce how to buy proxy IP through group control to create a first-class network crawler, perfect response to a variety of anti-climbing mechanism.

Building Proxy IP Pools

Before crawling the web, we first need to build a pool of proxy IPs. This proxy IP pool needs to contain a large number of IP addresses, and these IP addresses need to be highly anonymous and stable. Below is a sample code to get a certain number of proxy IPs from a proxy IP provider, store and manage them:

import requests
import random

class ProxyPool.
def __init__(self).
self.proxy_list = []

def get_proxies(self):
# Get IPs from proxy IP providers
# ...

def check_proxy(self, proxy).
# Check the anonymity and stability of a proxy IP.
# ...

def store_proxy(self, proxy).
# Store proxy IP
# ...

def get_random_proxy(self).
# Get a random IP from the pool of proxy IPs.
return random.choice(self.proxy_list)

With the above code, we can dynamically maintain and update the proxy IP pool to ensure the timeliness and effectiveness of the proxy IP.

Anti-Counter-Climbing Strategy

Most websites take a series of anti-crawl measures, such as IP blocking, CAPTCHA, request frequency limitation, etc., in order to prevent data from being crawled by crawlers. How to deal with these anti-anti-crawl strategies has become a technical challenge. Using group control to buy proxy IPs can help us better cope with these anti-anti-crawling strategies. Below is a sample code for randomizing proxy IPs at request time:

import requests

proxy_pool = ProxyPool()

url = 'http://example.com'
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3'

for i in range(10): proxy = proxy_pool.
proxy = proxy_pool.get_random_proxy()
proxies = {
'http': 'http://' + proxy, 'https': 'http://' + proxy
'https': 'https://' + proxy
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=5)
# Processing the response
# ...
except Exception as e.
except Exception as e.
# Handling Exception
# ...

With the above code, we can randomly select a proxy IP when requesting a website, thus reducing the probability of being blocked by IP. When encountering CAPTCHA, it can also be bypassed by switching proxy IPs, thus realizing the purpose of automated data crawling.

Proxy IP maintenance

Group Control Buy Proxy IP needs to constantly maintain the validity of the proxy IP. Because many proxy IPs are not very stable, they need to be periodically verified and updated. Below is a sample code to periodically verify the proxy IP:

class ProxyPool.
# ... (omitted)

def validate_proxies(self).
# Periodically validate proxy IPs.
for proxy in self.proxy_list: if not self.check_proxy(proxy): # periodically check the validity of proxy IPs.
if not self.check_proxy(proxy): self.proxy_list.remove(proxy).

def update_proxies(self): # Update proxy IP pool.
# update proxy IP pool
new_proxies = self.get_proxies()
for proxy in new_proxies.
if proxy not in self.proxy_list: self.store_proxy(proxy_list).

With the above code, we can periodically check the validity of the proxy IP and update the proxy IP pool to ensure that the proxy IP is frequently available. In this way, we can ensure that the web crawler can run normally and crawl the required data.


Group Control Buy Proxy IP is one of the important tools for web crawlers, which can help us break through various anti-anti-crawling strategies and get the required data. When using proxy IP, we need to build a pool of proxy IPs, deal with anti-anti-crawling strategies, maintain the validity of proxy IPs and other aspects of meticulous work. Only by doing a good job in these aspects can web crawlers really work and bring us valuable information and data.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/7431.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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