IPIPGO ip proxy What protocol type is proxy ip based on and how does proxy ip work?

What protocol type is proxy ip based on and how does proxy ip work?

In the network world, proxy ip is a very important technical means, which can help users hide the real ip address, protect private information and improve security. And ...

What protocol type is proxy ip based on and how does proxy ip work?

In the network world, proxy ip is a very important technical means to help users hide their real ip address, protect private information and improve security. And what protocol proxy ip is based on is one of the key factors to determine its availability and performance.

What protocol is proxy ip based on?

Proxy ip can be realized based on a variety of protocols, the most common of which include HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS and so on. Different protocols have different characteristics and applicable scenarios, we will introduce them below.

HTTP proxy

HTTP proxy is the most common kind of proxy protocol, which is mainly used for request forwarding of HTTP protocol. It works by acting as an intermediary between the client and the server. When the client initiates an HTTP request, it is first sent to the HTTP proxy server, which then forwards it to the real target server. This proxy method is simple and easy to use and is suitable for most network communication scenarios.

For example, we can use Python's requests library to set up the use of an HTTP proxy:

import requests

proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': '',

response = requests.get('http://example.com', proxies=proxies)

HTTPS proxy

Similar to HTTP proxies, HTTPS proxies are primarily used for request forwarding for the HTTPS protocol. The difference is that HTTPS proxies need to support the SSL/TLS protocol to enable encrypted communication. When using an HTTPS proxy, the communication between the client and the proxy server is encrypted, making it more secure and reliable.

Using the HTTPS proxy is also very simple and can be achieved by setting the proxy parameters:

import requests

proxies = {
'https': '',

response = requests.get('https://example.com', proxies=proxies)


Unlike HTTP and HTTPS proxies, the SOCKS proxy can proxy arbitrary TCP connections, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and other protocols. It is more flexible and suitable for more complex network environments.

The following is sample code that uses the SOCKS proxy:

import requests

proxies = {
'http': 'socks5://',
'https': 'socks5://',

response = requests.get('https://example.com', proxies=proxies)


Through the above introduction, we can see that the proxy ip can be realized based on different protocols, each protocol has its unique characteristics and applicable scenarios. In actual use, we can choose the appropriate proxy protocol according to the specific needs, so as to get a better network experience and security. I hope this article can help you, thanks for reading!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/7594.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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