IPIPGO Crawler Agent Python crawler using IP proxy pool practice

Python crawler using IP proxy pool practice

Introduction to IP Proxy Pools During the process of web crawling, you will often encounter restrictions from anti-crawling mechanisms, of which IP blocking is one of the common means. In order to cope with this ...

Python crawler using IP proxy pool practice

Introduction to IP Proxy Pools

In the process of web crawling, we often encounter restrictions of anti-crawling mechanisms, of which IP blocking is one of the common means. In order to deal with this situation, we can use the IP proxy pool to realize dynamic IP switching, so as to avoid the risk of being blocked.IP proxy pool is a collection containing a large number of proxy IPs, by randomly selecting the IPs in which to send requests, to achieve the purpose of hiding the real IP.Python crawler in combination with the use of IP proxy pools can effectively improve the success rate of the crawling data and stability.

IP Proxy Pool Setup


import requests

def get_proxy().
proxy_url = 'http://api.ip代理提供商.com/get_proxy'
response = requests.get(proxy_url)
proxy = response.text
return proxy

proxies = {
'http': 'http://' + get_proxy(), 'https': 'http://' + get_proxy()
'https': 'https://' + get_proxy()

response = requests.get('https://www.example.com', proxies=proxies)

In the above code, we first get the proxy IP from the proxy IP provider through the API interface, and then construct a proxy dictionary and pass it to the requests library to send requests using the proxy IP.

Python crawler combined with IP proxy pool practice

In actual Python crawling projects, combining IP proxy pools can increase the stability and robustness of the crawler program. By constantly rotating IPs during the process of crawling data, the anti-crawler strategy of the other site can be effectively circumvented and the success rate of crawling data can be improved. At the same time, the risk of being blocked can be further minimized by controlling the frequency of crawling and the number of proxy IPs used. Below is a simple sample code that demonstrates how to use IP proxy pooling in a Python crawler:

import requests

def get_proxy().
# Get a proxy IP from a pool of IP proxies.
# ...

def crawl_with_proxy(url):
proxy = get_proxy()
proxies = {
'http': 'http://' + proxy, 'https': 'http://' + proxy
'https': 'https://' + proxy
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)
# Processes the response
# ...
return response.text

url = 'https://www.example.com'
html = crawl_with_proxy(url)

With the above example, we can see how to use IP Proxy Pool in Python crawler to improve the success rate and stability of crawling data.

The practice of Python crawler combined with IP proxy pool can help us avoid the risk of being blocked and improve the success rate of data crawling. At the same time, through the reasonable use of IP proxy pool, you can also improve the efficiency and stability of the crawler program, so as to better complete the task of data collection. I hope the above can provide you with some help and inspiration in your crawler practice.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/7715.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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