IPIPGO Foreign ip proxy How to get a proxy ip in China

How to get a proxy ip in China

What is the IP address of the domestic agent? Well, let me unravel this mystery for you! Ahem, first we need to know what an IP address is. In the world of Internet...

How to get a proxy ip in China



你是否曾被那些令人望而却步的“404 Not Found”页面所困扰?你是否渴望能够畅游代理后的网络世界?那么,使用国内代理的IP地址将会是你的救星!


When there is only an hour's time difference between you you can also refresh your shopping cart after watching an hour's live broadcast of the Double Eleven, which can't help but marvel at the transience of the online world ah.



1. 第一种方法是购买代理服务。有许多公司提供代理服务,你只需支付一定的费用,就能够获得高质量的国内代理的IP地址。比如,你可以购买一台服务器并设置为代理服务器,然后将其IP地址用于你的网络连接。

2. The second method is to use free proxy services. Although free proxy services are usually not as stable and fast as paid proxy services, they are still a good choice for some simple browsing and access. You can find many lists of free proxy servers on the Internet, choose one you like and configure it to your computer or mobile device.

3. 第三种方法是自己搭建代理服务器。这种方法需要一定的技术知识和资源,但它可以让你完全掌控你的代理服务。你可以选择使用开源的软件,如ipipgo或ipipgo,来搭建属于自己的代理服务器。这样,你就可以随时根据自己的需求进行调整和优化。



This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8147.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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