IPIPGO Dynamic IP Proxy Dynamic proxy IP malicious access to how to do] small site of the trouble you do not understand

Dynamic proxy IP malicious access to how to do] small site of the trouble you do not understand

In this era of information explosion, the Internet has become an important platform for people to obtain information and communicate. And for those who operate small websites and personal blogs...

Dynamic proxy IP malicious access to how to do] small site of the trouble you do not understand

In this era of information explosion, the Internet has become an important platform for people to obtain information and communicate. For those who operate small websites and personal blogs, although the website's traffic may not be large, but it is also the crystallization of their own efforts, in order to pursue their personal interests or to share what they have learned and thought of the platform.

However, the world of small websites is not perfect and is often plagued by a number of malicious attacks and accesses. Among them, the problem of malicious access caused by dynamic proxy IP is a headache. Today, let's talk about this problem that makes small website owners chopped liver.

I. Dynamic Proxy IP: Bane or Gospel?

Dynamic proxy IP has its reasonable application in some specific scenarios, such as providing domestic users with the convenience of browsing websites and the smooth flow of information. However, as the saying goes, what goes around comes around, and when some unscrupulous people use Dynamic Proxy IP to carry out malicious behavior, it becomes a nightmare for small website owners.

With dynamic proxy IPs, attackers can hide their real IP addresses and frequently switch between different proxy IPs for access, causing tremendous pressure on web servers. This malicious access behavior often manifests itself in a large number of crawler requests, frequent login attempts, batch registrations, etc., which seriously affects the normal operation of the website.

Second, the pain point of small websites: web traffic surge and exhaustion

Small websites naturally can't handle the amount of traffic and server configurations that large websites can. When malicious accesses from dynamic proxy IPs come, the network traffic of small websites will rapidly surge, resulting in slower response or even paralysis of the website. In order to cope with this situation, website owners have to invest more costs to upgrade servers or purchase CDN acceleration services to maintain normal website access speeds.

However, this has become one of the pain points for small websites. After all, maintaining a small website is already a lot of work, and it can be difficult to balance server stability and website content updating at the same time. The problem of malicious access to dynamic proxy IPs further aggravates the burden on the website owner, making the maintenance of the website a difficult task.

Intelligent protection: catch the claws of malicious access

Since the problem of malicious access to dynamic proxy IPs is so tricky, what are some effective ways to solve it? Providing small website owners with some good tools to use is also a pressing concern.

Currently, some intelligent protection systems have been able to capture and identify dynamic proxy IPs to help website owners with automatic interception and blocking. By setting up policies such as whitelisting, blacklisting, and limiting frequency, malicious accesses can be targeted and intercepted to reduce server load and keep the website running normally.

In addition, reasonable CAPTCHA mechanism and login authentication method can also prevent malicious visitors from batch operation through dynamic proxy IP. By increasing the operation complexity of users, the harassment of malicious visitors can be largely reduced.


Although malicious access to dynamic proxy IPs brings a lot of trouble and burden to small website owners, there is always a way to solve the problem. With the help of an intelligent protection system and a reasonable setup of policies, small website owners can also run their websites with peace of mind.

After all, the Internet world is like the human society, there are good people and bad people. Only, for those who steal the fruits of other people's labor, malicious attacks on others, we should firmly resist, so that the network environment is more clear and civilized.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8279.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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