IPIPGO ip proxy How to get a proxy ip (get proxy ip method)

How to get a proxy ip (get proxy ip method)

There are many ways to get proxy IPs, including buying, renting, recruiting and so on. Whether you need to crawl web data, change IP address to build a test environment, or for...

How to get a proxy ip (get proxy ip method)

There are many ways to get a proxy IP, including buying, renting, recruiting and so on. Whether you need to crawl web data, change IP address to build a test environment, or to protect privacy and break through network blocking, this article will bring you together to explore how to get a proxy IP.

I. Free proxy IP sites

If you only need to use a proxy IP occasionally and are not looking for high quality and long term stability, free proxy IP sites are a good choice. There are tons of free proxy IP addresses available on these sites that you can use with a simple copy and paste.

However, the quality of free proxy IPs varies, and you may encounter problems such as slow connection speed, poor stability, and easy banning. Therefore, you should always be vigilant when using free proxy IPs and try to choose some proxy IP sites with good ratings and high activity.

Second, buy paid proxy IP

If you need a high quality, long term stable proxy IP, then buying a paid proxy IP is the best choice. The price of a paid proxy IP varies depending on the quality and stability. Generally speaking, the higher the quality and the better the stability, the higher the price of the proxy IP.

When buying a paid proxy IP, we need to pay attention to the following points:
1. Choose a regular and reliable agency service provider, based on word-of-mouth reviews and forum discussions;
2. Determine the type of proxy you need, e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS, etc;
3. Select the number of proxy IPs and geographic location according to your needs;
4. Check to see if IP whitelisting is supported to ensure your security.

After purchasing a paid proxy IP, the provider will typically give you a code example similar to the one below for using the proxy IP:

import requests

proxy = {
'http': '',
'https': ''

response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)

By setting the proxy parameter proxy, you can use the proxy IP when sending requests.

III. Self-constructed agent pool

If you have some technical skills and resources, you can also consider building your own proxy pool. The advantage of self-built proxy pool is that you can get high-quality proxy IPs according to your needs, and manage and maintain them.

The steps to build your own agent pool are roughly as follows:
1. Get Proxy IP: You can get proxy IP by crawling free proxy IP websites, crawling proxy IP forums and so on;
2. Verify Proxy IP: Verify the obtained proxy IP and filter out the available proxy IP;
3. Maintaining Proxy IPs: Periodic testing of verified proxy IPs and timely deletion of invalid proxy IPs;
4. Provide interfaces: make available proxy IPs for use by other programs, such as Web servers, crawlers, etc.

Self-built proxy pool requires some technical support, including knowledge of network programming, database management and so on. If you have some knowledge in this area and need a large number of high-quality proxy IPs, self-built proxy pool is a good choice.

IV. Other methods of access



Whether you buy or use a free proxy IP, you need to pay attention to the quality and stability of the proxy IP. Although the quality and stability of paid proxy IPs are relatively high, they are also more expensive and not suitable for everyone. Therefore, when choosing a proxy IP, make a reasonable choice based on your actual needs and financial ability.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to get a proxy IP. Whether you use a free proxy IP, buy a paid proxy IP, or build your own proxy pool, you have to choose according to your needs and actual situation. Protect your privacy and break through network blocking, proxy IP will provide you with powerful support. Go for it, guys!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8288.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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