IPIPGO ip proxy Features and Benefits of Proxy IP Point-to-Point Billing

Features and Benefits of Proxy IP Point-to-Point Billing

This article focuses on the billing method in proxy IP service, i.e., per-point billing. Regarding the billing methods of proxy IP, there are mainly hourly billing, per...

Features and Benefits of Proxy IP Point-to-Point Billing

This article focuses on the billing method in proxy IP service, i.e., per-point billing. Regarding the billing methods of proxy IP, there are three main methods in the market at present: hourly billing, per-traffic billing and per-point billing. Among them, per-point billing is a more innovative and flexible way, which is more suitable for the personalized needs of users. Let's explore the features and advantages of this billing method!

What is per-point billing?

Point-based billing is a method of billing based on the number of points used by the proxy IP. The so-called points refer to the successful forwarding of each request or proxy in the process of using the proxy IP service. And the price is calculated based on the consumption of points, the more points, the higher the cost.

Why should I choose per-point billing?

1. Flexible pricing, fair and reasonable

Under the point-based billing model, users only need to pay for the actual number of points used, instead of having to purchase a fixed number of Proxy IP packages in advance. This flexible pricing allows users to flexibly choose the service capacity according to their actual needs and use the proxy IP service at the lowest cost.

2. Prevention of waste of resources and effective control of expenses

Under the point-based billing model, users only need to pay for the actual number of points used, so they can accurately control the number of proxy IPs used and the time to avoid wasting resources. For those users who have a small amount of access or unstable demand, the per-point billing mode is undoubtedly a more cost-effective choice.

3. Adapting to the needs of specific scenarios

Since the per-point billing mode can be used on demand, it is very suitable for the needs of some specific scenarios, such as search engine crawlers, big data analysis, batch account registration and so on. These scenarios usually have certain requirements on the frequency and scale of proxy IP usage, and point-by-point billing can be flexibly adjusted according to the actual usage, which can better meet the needs of users.

How do I use per-point billing?

It is very simple for users to use the proxy IP service with pay-per-point billing. First, users need to register an account with the proxy IP service provider and obtain an API key. Next, users just need to follow the API documentation provided by the service provider to make calls and realize the acquisition and use of proxy IP.

Using Python as an example, here is sample code for using a proxy IP service with per-point billing:

import requests

api_key = "your_api_key"
url = "https://api.example.com/proxy"

def get_proxy():
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200.
proxy = response.json()
return proxy['ip'], proxy['port']
return None

def request_with_proxy(): proxy = get_proxy()
proxy = get_proxy()
if proxy.
proxies = {

'https': f "http://{proxy[0]}:{proxy[1]}"
response = requests.get("http://www.example.com", proxies=proxies)
return response.text
else: return None
return None

response = request_with_proxy()
if response.
if response: print(response)
print("Get proxy failed!")

In the code, the user first needs to replace `api_key` with the API key that he or she obtained from the proxy IP service provider. Then, call the `get_proxy` function to get the proxy IP, and then use the `request_with_proxy` function to make the request. Finally, handle the response or error message as appropriate.


As an emerging proxy IP billing method, per-point billing has the advantages of flexible pricing, preventing resource wastage and adapting to the needs of specific scenarios. For those users with small access or unstable demand, the per-point billing model is a more affordable and flexible option. Therefore, when choosing proxy IP services, why not consider the fresh approach of per-point billing?

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8292.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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