IPIPGO ip proxy How to change the proxy IP on the router

How to change the proxy IP on the router

I believe that we are not unfamiliar with the term "proxy IP", which refers to the way through the server transit, to hide the real visitor's real IP address, to achieve the protection of personal ...

How to change the proxy IP on the router

I believe you are not unfamiliar with the term "proxy IP", it refers to the way through the server transit, hide the real visitor's real IP address, to achieve the protection of personal privacy, the realization of network crawlers and other purposes of a technical means. In practice, we usually encounter a problem, that is, how to change the proxy IP on the router. this article will start from this problem, introduce how to realize the proxy IP replacement on the router, provide relevant code examples to help readers easily solve this problem.

I. What is a router

To understand the problem of "changing proxy IP on router", first we need to understand what is a router. Simply put, a router is a network device that can forward packets from various IP networks to a destination network or host, serving as a bridge between different networks.

In a home network, we usually use a home router, whose function is to transmit the signals from the external network provided by the Internet provider (ISP) to the user's devices via wired or wireless, and to realize the communication between the devices in the internal network. So, how to change proxy IP in home router?

II. Introduction to OpenWrt System

Before solving the problem of "changing the proxy IP on the route", let's first understand the OpenWrt system, OpenWrt is an open source embedded operating system, which is based on the Linux kernel, specifically for routers and embedded devices.

Compared to the operating system that comes with a home router, the OpenWrt system offers more customization and expansion. In OpenWrt system, we can customize it according to our own needs, so as to realize more functions and services, including changing the proxy IP.

III. Installing ipipgo on OpenWrt

ipipgo is a network encrypted transmission tool based on the Socks5 proxy protocol, which can effectively hide the real IP to protect the user's privacy and security. In OpenWrt system, we can use ipipgo to realize proxy IP replacement.

First, we need to install ipipgo on the OpenWrt system. the steps are as follows:

1. Log in to the router's administration page and locate the "System-Packages" option.

2. Enter "ipipgo" in the "Package Manager" and search for it.

3. Find the "luci-app-" and "-libev" packages and click "Install".

4. After the installation is complete, the "ipipgo" option will appear under the "Network" menu.

5. In the "ipipgo" page, fill in the proxy server's IP address, port number, password and other information, and then click "Save & Apply".

At this point, we have successfully installed ipipgo on our OpenWrt system and configured the proxy server information. Next, let's see how to do proxy IP replacement on OpenWrt.

IV. Changing the proxy IP on OpenWrt

The method of changing proxy IP in OpenWrt system is relatively simple, we only need to modify the configuration file of ipipgo to realize it. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Log in to the router's terminal via SSH.

2. Run the following command to open the ipipgo configuration file:

vi /etc/config/

3. Locate the "config" node in the configuration file and change the proxy server address and port number there.

4. Save the configuration file and restart the ipipgo service:

/etc/init.d/ restart

After these few simple steps, we have successfully changed the proxy IP on the OpenWrt system. by constantly changing the address and port number of the proxy server, we can realize the purpose of hiding the real IP by changing different proxy IPs on the router.


This article briefly introduces how to change the proxy IP on the route. By installing ipipgo and modifying the configuration file, we can realize the proxy IP replacement in OpenWrt system. As a developer or enthusiast who often uses proxy IP, mastering this technique can undoubtedly improve our work efficiency and security.

Of course, in the actual application, we may encounter some problems, such as unstable network connection, unavailable proxy server and so on. For these problems, we can solve them by adding automatic proxy IP switching and other means. I hope this article can help readers to change the proxy IP on the route.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8304.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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