IPIPGO ip proxy Teach you a simple way to check if an IP is a residential IP

Teach you a simple way to check if an IP is a residential IP

Checking whether an IP is a residential IP is an important question about network technology. In our daily use of the Internet, we may encounter some needs for IP...

Teach you a simple way to check if an IP is a residential IP

Checking whether an IP is a residential IP is an important issue concerning network technology. In our daily use of the Internet, we may come across situations where we need to analyze IPs, such as when we want to restrict certain websites to be used only in a residential network, or when we want to know the nature of an IP address and where it belongs to, and so on. Today, I will show you some simple ways to check if an IP is a residential IP and explain the principles involved.

I. Basic understanding of IP addresses

Before we begin, let's go over the basics of IP addresses.An IP address is an Internet Protocol address that identifies a device on a network. An IP address usually consists of four numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots. For example, is a common IP address.

II. Querying residential properties of IPs

1. Using Whois queries

Whois is a public database used to look up domain name and IP address registration information. We can use the Whois lookup tool to look up the registration information of an IP address to find out whether it is a residential IP or not.

Code Example:

import requests

def query_ip_whois(ip): url = "{}".format(ip): url = "{}".
url = "https://whois.ipip.net/{}".format(ip)
response = requests.get(url)
return response.text

ip = ""
result = query_ip_whois(ip)

2. Parsing query results

After using a Whois query, we can get a string containing detailed information. This information includes the owner of the IP address, when it was registered, the country and region it belongs to, and so on. By parsing this information, we can determine if the IP is a residential IP.

Code Example:

def parse_whois_result(result).
if "Residential" in result: if "Residential" in result: if "Residential" in result.
return True
return True: if "residence" in result: return False
return False

is_residential = parse_whois_result(result)

III. Other methods and considerations

In addition to using a Whois query, there are a number of other ways to determine if an IP is a residential IP. these include querying the IP address for its place of origin, network type, etc.

In addition, it should be noted that we may encounter some difficulties and misjudgments when checking whether an IP is a residential IP. Some businesses and organizations also use residential IPs, while some residential users may use dynamic IPs, so a number of factors need to be taken into account to make an accurate judgment.


In this article, we introduce some methods and considerations for checking whether an IP is a residential IP. We hope that these methods can help you and be inspiring for understanding and applying network technology. In our daily use of the Internet, we can flexibly use these methods as needed to better protect our network security and privacy.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8325.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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