IPIPGO ip proxy How to use the http tunneling proxy

How to use the http tunneling proxy

The http tunnel proxy is a network tool it can hide the user's real IP address to protect privacy and security. I'm sure we've all been online when encountering area restrictions or no...

How to use the http tunneling proxy

The http tunneling proxy is a network tool that hides the user's real IP address and protects privacy and security. I believe that we have all had the experience of surfing the Internet when encountering regional restrictions or unable to access a particular site, right, then, how to use http tunneling proxy? Let me reveal it today!

First, what is http tunneling proxy

Before understanding how to use HTTP Tunnel Proxy, let's first understand its definition.HTTP Tunnel Proxy (HTTP Tunnel Proxy) is a kind of proxy for communication through HTTP protocol, which can encrypt the user's network request and forward it to the remote server, thus hiding the real IP address of the client.

Second, the choice of proxy servers

Choosing a proper proxy server is crucial for using http tunneling proxy. A friend of mine, Xiao Wang, once made a mistake in choosing a proxy server. One day, Xiao Wang found a free proxy server, he was full of joy and configured the browser settings, thinking that he could swim in the Internet. However, when he opened the website, he found that it loaded slowly and could not even be accessed properly. It turned out that the free proxy server had limited bandwidth and many users, resulting in extremely slow Internet speed. Therefore, when choosing a proxy server, we should tend to choose one that is stable and has a high enough bandwidth.

III. Configuring proxy servers



IV. Verify that the proxy is in effect

Once the configuration is complete, we can verify that the proxy is in effect by following the steps below:

1. Open a proxy IP query site, such as ip138.com, etc.
2. Check whether the IP address displayed on the website is different from your real IP address

If the IP address displayed is different from your real IP address, it proves that the proxy has taken effect!

V. Usage and Precautions

When using http tunnel proxy, there are some tips and precautions we need to pay attention to. I once used a proxy server, because I did not pay attention to the changes in the network situation around me, resulting in the proxy failure, their real IP address exposed, really regret it!

So, when using the http tunneling proxy, we should always keep an eye on the network situation. Of course, you can also use some network tools to monitor the connection status of the proxy, such as network probe, Ping command, etc..

另外,为了保护个人隐私,我们还可以在使用代理服务器的同时使用(Virtual Private Network,虚拟专用网)进行加密通信。这种组合使用的方式能够更好地保护我们的网络安全和隐私。

VI. Summary

Today, we learned in detail about the use of http tunneling proxies and also revealed aspects of proxy server selection, configuration, authentication, and usage considerations. I hope this knowledge can help you, so that you can surf the Internet more safely and freely swim in the ocean of the network. Finally, I wish you all have fun!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8343.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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