IPIPGO Dynamic IP Proxy How domestic dynamic residential IP addresses are realized

How domestic dynamic residential IP addresses are realized

Hello everyone, today I'm going to tell you a little bit about how Domestic Dynamic Residential IP URLs are implemented. First of all, let's understand what a domestic dynamic residential IP URL is...

How domestic dynamic residential IP addresses are realized

Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you a little bit about how Domestic Dynamic Residential IP URLs are implemented. First of all, let's understand what a Domestic Dynamic Residential IP URL is.

ODN (Overseas Dynamic Residential IP Network) is a network system that provides users with domestic access. By dynamically assigning residential IP addresses, it allows users to access websites in China and enjoy an immersive Internet experience.

1. Allocation of dynamic residential IPs

In order to realize a domestic dynamic residential IP address, it is first necessary to assign a dynamic residential IP address to the subscriber. This process is usually done by an ISP (Internet Service Provider), which first selects an available residential IP address from a pool of IP addresses and then assigns it to the subscriber. This IP address is usually dynamic, which means that the user is given a different IP address each time they connect to the network.

Code Example:

def allocate_dynamic_ip().
ip_pool = get_ip_pool() # Get a pool of IP addresses
available_ip = ip_pool.pop() # Remove an available IP address from the pool.
return available_ip

user_ip = allocate_dynamic_ip()

2. Correlation of IP addresses with website access

Assigning a dynamic residential IP address is only the first step; it is also necessary to associate this IP address with the domestic website that the user wants to visit. This process is usually done by DNS (Domain Name System), which resolves the domain name entered by the user, e.g. www.example.com, into a corresponding IP address and forwards the user's request to the server corresponding to that IP address.

Code Example:

def resolve_domain_name(domain_name).
ip_address = get_ip_address(domain_name) # Get the IP address of the domain name.
return ip_address

domain_name = "www.example.com"
server_ip = resolve_domain_name(domain_name)

3. Selection of domestic access points

In order to realize a dynamic domestic residential IP address, it is necessary to select an appropriate domestic access point. An access point is a network node used by a user to connect to the Internet, and can be a server or proxy server geographically close to the user. Choosing the right access point can improve user access speed and stability.

Code Example:

def select_overseas_access_point().
access_points = get_overseas_access_points() # Get a list of domestic access points.
return random.choice(access_points)

overseas_access_point = select_overseas_access_point()

With the above steps, the realization of a domestic dynamic residential IP address is complete. Users can obtain a domestic dynamic residential IP address through this system and establish connections with specific domestic websites, enabling them to enjoy a quality Internet experience no matter where they are.


The realization of domestic dynamic residential IP addresses involves a number of aspects, including the allocation of IP addresses, domain name resolution and the selection of domestic access points. By reasonably allocating the dynamic residential IP address, associating it with the website that the user wants to visit, and choosing the appropriate domestic access point, the user's need to visit the website in China can be realized. It is believed that with the continuous development of technology, the domestic dynamic residential IP address will become more and more mature and bring better experience to users.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8476.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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