IPIPGO ip proxy How to detect if an IP address is a residential IP?

How to detect if an IP address is a residential IP?

First, what is a residential IP When it comes to IP, I believe we are not unfamiliar with it. In the Internet world, IP (Internet Protocol) can...

How to detect if an IP address is a residential IP?

I. What is residential IP

When it comes to IP, I'm sure no one is unfamiliar with it. In the Internet world, IP (Internet Protocol) can be thought of as digitized addresses that identify devices on a network. Residential IP, on the other hand, refers to the IP address used for home broadband access.

So, how do you detect whether an IP address is a residential IP or not? Let's explore this question today.

Second, the conventional method of IP attribution query

The first way we can determine if an IP address is a residential IP is by using an IP attribution query.

You may remember the famous website "Little Feet" which realized this kind of query. Well, it's the website that seems to have a pair of cute little feet as its image.

Let's try it, suppose the IP address we want to test is: We can enter this IP address in the query box of Little Footsteps, and then click "Query".

Code Example:

import requests

ip = ""
url = f "http://api.xjgjapp.com/api/ip?ip={ip}"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
city = data.get("city")
if city == "residential".
print("This IP address belongs to a residential IP")
print("This IP address belongs to a residential IP")
print("This IP address does not belong to the residential IP")

With the above code example, we can get the attribute of the IP address, and then determine whether it is a residential IP address, if the attribute is "Residential", it means the IP address belongs to the residential IP address, and vice versa, it does not belong to the residential IP address.

Huh? Why does the IP address I enter always show that it is not a residential IP? Let's look at other ways to determine this.

Third, the conventional method of port scanning

In addition to IP attribution lookup, we can also use port scanning to determine if an IP address is a residential IP.

Let's first understand the principle of port scanning. In network communication, each service listens on a specific port, for example, HTTP service listens on port 80, HTTPS service listens on port 443 and so on.

We can scan the open ports of the target IP address to determine if it is a residential IP or not. because in a home network, you will usually only configure some services for Internet browsing, such as HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443).

Code Example:

import socket

ip = ""
ports = [80, 443]
for port in ports.
ports = [80, 443] for port in ports: try: s = socket.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = s.connect_ex((ip, port))
result = s.connect_ex((ip, port)) if result == 0.
print(f "Port {port} open")
print(f "port {port} is open")
print(f "port {port} closed")
except socket.error as e: print(f "Error: {port {port} is open")
print(f "Error: {e}")

With the above code example, we can scan the open ports of the target IP address one by one, and if we find that the open ports of the target IP address contain the HTTP and HTTPS ports mentioned above, then we can determine that the IP address is a residential IP.


Through the two conventional methods of IP attribution query and port scanning, we can more accurately determine whether an IP address is a residential IP. However, it should be noted that these methods are only to give a preliminary judgment, and there may be cases of misjudgment.

Therefore, in the actual use of the process, you also need to combine with other judgment indicators, such as the network operator where the target IP address is located, the bandwidth situation, etc., a comprehensive consideration in order to more accurately determine whether an IP address is a residential IP. at the same time, beware of being deceived by some deliberately hidden home network.

I hope this article is helpful for you to understand how to detect whether an IP is a residential IP! If you have any other interesting judgment methods, you can also share them with the editor Oh~!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8484.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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