IPIPGO proxy server How to disable the global proxy server

How to disable the global proxy server

Hey guys, how are you doing? Today I'm going to talk to you about a relatively advanced topic - how to turn off the global proxy server. Some of you may ask:...

How to disable the global proxy server

Hey guys, how are you doing? Today I'm going to talk to you about a relatively advanced topic - how to turn off the global proxy server. Some of you may ask: "What is a global proxy server? Why should I turn it off?" Don't worry, I will answer your questions one by one! Without further ado, let's get straight to the point!

What is a global proxy server?

Before we talk about how to turn off a global proxy server, we first need to understand what a global proxy server is. Simply put, a global proxy server is a server that is used to forward network requests and can act as a middleman throughout a network connection. By using a global proxy server, we can route all of our network traffic through this server, thus realizing the purpose of hiding the real IP address, breaking through network blocking and improving network security.

Why should I disable the global proxy server?

While there are some benefits to using a global proxy server, there are also situations where we may need to turn it off. For example, when we are using certain software or applications, the global proxy may interfere with their normal operation. Or sometimes we may just want to connect directly to the Internet without going through a global proxy server. This is when it becomes necessary to turn off the global proxy server.

How do I turn off the global proxy server?

After all this nonsense, it's finally time to get to the point! Below, I'm going to show you a few common ways to turn off the global proxy server.

1. Disable in operating system settings

Most operating systems provide a settings interface where we can easily turn off the global proxy server. First, we open the settings screen of the operating system and find the options related to networking (often called "Network Settings", "Network and Internet", etc.), where we can find the settings for the proxy server. Next, we just need to find the Global Proxy Server option and turn it off.

For example, in Windows operating system, we can press Win + I key combination to open the "Settings" interface, and then click "Network and Internet", and then select "Proxy and then select "Proxy" option. In the Proxy settings, we can see a switch called "Use proxy server". After turning it off, the global proxy server will be disabled and will not affect our network traffic anymore.

2. Close in browser

There are times when we may just want to turn off the effect of the global proxy server on the browser, rather than the entire operating system. In this case, we can do this directly in the browser's settings. The exact way of doing this may vary slightly from browser to browser, but the general steps are similar.

Take Google Chrome as an example, we first open the browser, then click on the menu button (usually three vertical dots) in the upper right corner and select "Settings". In the settings page, we can see an option called "Advanced" or "Advanced Settings", click on it to find "Proxy Settings" or "Network Settings". "Network Settings. Here, we can find the option related to Global Proxy Server and turn it off.

3. Closure via command line

For some of you, the command line may be more familiar, so we can also turn off the global proxy server from the command line. Just use some specific commands to accomplish the task.

Take Windows operating system as an example, we can press Win + R key combination to open the Run window, type cmd and enter to open the command line interface. Then, we can use the following command to turn off the global proxy server:

netsh winhttp reset proxy

After typing and pressing enter, wait for the command to finish executing and the global proxy server will be shut down.


With the above introduction, I believe you have a certain understanding of how to turn off the global proxy server, right? Whether it is in the operating system settings to close, or in the browser or through the command line to operate, close the global proxy server is not too difficult thing. I hope this article is helpful to you, if there are other issues, welcome to leave a message to discuss oh! I wish you all a pleasant trip in the network world!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8796.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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