IPIPGO socks5 proxy How to apply for Socks5 proxy IP for free

How to apply for Socks5 proxy IP for free

How to Apply Socks5 Proxy IP for Free Hi Dear Readers! Today I'm going to talk to you about how to apply Socks5 Proxy IP for free....

How to apply for Socks5 proxy IP for free

How to apply for Socks5 proxy IP for free

Hi, dear readers! Today I'm going to talk to you about how to get a Socks5 proxy IP for free.Proxy IP is a very useful tool for many users who need to hide their real IP address and protect their privacy. But how to get Socks5 proxy IP for free? Don't worry, follow me and let's explore the answer!

1. Finding reliable free proxy IP sites on the Internet

First of all, we need to find some free proxy IP sites in the vast sea of internet. But be careful, some sites may not be reliable and may even have potential security risks. Therefore, we need to pick the sites carefully and make sure they have a good reputation and user reviews.

During this treasure hunt, I came across a site called Proxynova. This site offers a range of free proxy IP addresses, including Socks5 proxy IPs. let's take a look at how it works!

2. Accessing Proxynova and filtering proxy IPs

First, we need to visit Proxynova's website (https://www.proxynova.com/). On the home page of the site, you can see a list of proxy servers, categorized by country, speed, anonymity and type.

We now want to find Socks5 proxy IPs, so we need to click on the "Socks5" tab on the page. In this way, the page will show only Socks5 proxy IPs, which is simple and convenient! In the meantime, you can also select other filters according to your needs.

3. Verify proxy IP availability

After obtaining the list of proxy IPs, we need to make sure that these proxy IPs are available. For each proxy IP, the Proxynova website provides information about its availability. We can determine the real-time availability of the proxy IPs based on the "Last Verification Time" in the information.

Of course, that being said, don't trust these results 100%. In order to be more sure of the reliability of the proxy IP, we can verify it ourselves.

4. Verify proxy IP availability - using Python sample code

Okay, here's the main event of the day! I don't know if you've heard of the amazing programming language Python? Yes, I would like to share with you a sample code for verifying proxy IP availability using Python.

import requests

def check_proxy(proxy)::
response = requests.get("https://www.google.com/", proxies={"http": proxy, "https": proxy}, timeout=5)
if response.status_code == 200: print("Response.status_code == 200:")
print("Proxy IP {} available!") .format(proxy))
print("Proxy IP {} available!" .format(proxy)))
print("Proxy IP {} not available!") except: "Proxy IP {} not available!" .format(proxy))

proxies = ["", "", ""]

for proxy in proxies:

In this simple code, we have defined a check_proxy function which will try to access the Google website using the given proxy IP. If the status code returned is 200, then the proxy IP is available.

You can add the proxy IP addresses to be verified to the list of proxies and call the check_proxy function one by one. This way, you can easily verify the availability of proxy IPs!

5. Use of proxy IPs

Well, congratulations! Now you have a bunch of free proxy IPs available. so what do we do next?

If you want to use a proxy IP in your browser, you can configure it by following these steps:
1. Open the Settings screen of your browser.
2. Locate the Network or Proxy Settings option.
3. Select Manually Configure Proxy and fill in the proxy IP and port number.

Of course, the exact setup may vary from browser to browser. But it doesn't matter, I believe we are all smart little angels and will be able to easily configure it successfully!



This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8829.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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