IPIPGO proxy server Understanding the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP

Understanding the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP

Understanding the Difference Between Proxy Server Address and Proxy Server IP Hello everyone, I am an author who loves to share my knowledge about the internet. Today, I would like to explain to you in detail...

Understanding the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP

Understanding the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP

Hello everyone, I am an author who loves to share my knowledge about the internet. Today, I would like to explain to you in detail the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP. Although these two sound similar, they actually have different meanings and roles. Let's learn about them together!

The concept of a proxy server address

First of all, we have to understand the proxy server address first. Proxy server address is the network address of the proxy server, which can be a domain name or an IP address. When we set up a proxy server in the browser, we need to fill in the proxy server address. This way, the browser knows which server to send requests to.

A proxy server address acts like a destination address on a navigator, it tells the browser which server to send the request to. We can think of a proxy server address as a house number that indicates where the request should go.

Proxy Server IP Concepts

Next, let's understand the concept of Proxy Server IP. Proxy server IP is the unique identification of the proxy server in the network, it is a string of numbers and dots, for example: "″.

Each proxy server has an IP address, which is similar to our human ID number and is used to uniquely identify a proxy server. The proxy server IP allows us to track the location of the proxy server and the network it is on.

Relationship and differences between the two

So what is the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP? Actually, a proxy server address is a broader concept that encompasses a proxy server IP. proxy server IPs can be thought of as part of a proxy server address.

The proxy server address tells the browser which server to send the request to, while the proxy server IP is a unique identifier for this server in the network. Simply put, the proxy server address tells the browser the destination of the request, while the proxy server IP is the identity card of the proxy server.

code example

In order to better understand the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP, I'll provide you with a simple code example below.

import requests

# Setting the proxy address
proxy_address = 'http://proxy.example.com:8080'

# set request URL
url = 'http://example.com'

# Send the request
response = requests.get(url, proxies={'http': proxy_address})

# Output the response

In the above code example, we have sent the request to the specified proxy server by setting the proxy server address `proxy_address`. In this way, we can get the content of the target web page through the proxy server.


In this article, we have learned the difference between a proxy server address and a proxy server IP. A proxy server address tells the browser which server to send the request to, while a proxy server IP is an address that uniquely identifies a proxy server. They are functionally different but closely related.


This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8845.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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