IPIPGO socks5 proxy How to use Socks5 proxy IP for free

How to use Socks5 proxy IP for free

Hello everyone, I'm a writer who loves technology, today I'm going to introduce you to how to use Socks5 Proxy IP for free.I believe that many people are interested in proxy IP...

How to use Socks5 proxy IP for free

Hello, I am a writer who loves technology, today I am going to introduce you how to use Socks5 Proxy IP for free.I believe that many of you are not unfamiliar with the concept of Proxy IP, which can help us to hide our real IP address, provide privacy protection and ability to access restricted websites. So, let's explore how to use Socks5 Proxy IP for free!

What is Socks5 Proxy IP

First of all, let's understand what is Socks5 Proxy IP. Socks5 Proxy IP is a proxy server based on the Socks5 protocol, which can forward our network requests to the target server and hide our real IP address at the same time. Compared with other proxy protocols, Socks5 has higher security and stability, and is relatively simple and easy to use.

Find Free Socks5 Proxy IPs

The first step is that we need to find available free Socks5 proxy IPs. although there are many paid proxy service providers, we can also find some free resources. We can use search engine to find some free proxy IP websites, these websites will provide us some available free proxy IP for us to use regularly.

Verifying Socks5 Proxy IP Availability

Next, we need to check the availability of these free Socks5 proxy IPs. After all, some proxy IPs may have expired or may not be available. We can use Python to write a simple piece of code to check the availability of a proxy IP:

import requests

def check_proxy(proxy_ip, proxy_port)::
proxies = {

'https': f'socks5://{proxy_ip}:{proxy_port}'
response = requests.get('https://www.example.com', proxies=proxies, timeout=5)
if response.status_code == 200:: print(f "The IP address of the proxy {proxy_ip}:{proxy_port}')
print(f "The proxy IP {proxy_ip}:{proxy_port} is available.")
print(f "The proxy IP {proxy_ip}:{proxy_port} is not available.")

check_proxy('', '1080')

In this code, we send an HTTP request by setting a proxy IP. If the request succeeds and returns a status code of 200, then this proxy IP is available.

Apply Socks5 proxy IP

After verification, we can apply the available Socks5 proxy IPs to our web requests. For example, suppose we need to use a Socks5 proxy IP to access a restricted-access website, which we can do in Python:

import requests

def request_with_proxy(proxy_ip, proxy_port, target_url)::
proxies = {

'https': f'socks5://{proxy_ip}:{proxy_port}'
response = requests.get(target_url, proxies=proxies)
print("Sorry, failed to request the target URL.")

request_with_proxy('', '1080', 'https://www.example.com')

In this code, we send a GET request by setting the proxy IP and output the returned HTML content. In this way, we have successfully used a Socks5 proxy IP to access a restricted access website.


By finding free Socks5 proxy IPs, checking the availability of the proxy IPs, and applying them to our web requests, we can realize the purpose of using Socks5 proxy IPs for free. Of course, in the process of using proxy IPs, we should also pay attention to the security and stability of proxy IPs and try to choose reliable resources.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8908.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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