IPIPGO reverse proxy What is Nginx Secondary Domain Reverse Proxy?

What is Nginx Secondary Domain Reverse Proxy?

Guys, today we are going to talk about a pretty interesting topic - Nginx secondary domain name reverse proxy configuration skills. Perhaps you are relatively new to Nginx...

What is Nginx Secondary Domain Reverse Proxy?

Guys, today we are going to talk about a very interesting topic - Nginx secondary domain name reverse proxy configuration skills. Maybe you are relatively new to Nginx, it's okay, I will give you today to open this mystery.

Before we start the configuration, let me give you a brief explanation of what is Nginx secondary domain name reverse proxy.Nginx, which sounds like a traditional Chinese surname, is actually a very efficient reverse proxy server capable of handling a large number of concurrent requests. So what is a second-level domain name again? Simply put, it's a domain name that is a layer of domain names appended to the primary domain name. Then the second-level domain name reverse proxy means that Nginx as a proxy server, through the second-level domain name to forward requests to the corresponding back-end server.

Why should I use Nginx secondary domain reverse proxy?

Now that we know what Nginx Secondary Domain Reverse Proxy is, let's talk about why you should use it. To put it bluntly, it is to improve the performance and scalability of the website. When our website traffic is getting bigger and bigger, and the server carrying pressure is getting bigger and bigger, we need an efficient load balancing solution to share the pressure, and that's when the Nginx secondary domain name reverse proxy comes into play.

How to configure Nginx secondary domain reverse proxy?

Since you're going to be using an Nginx secondary domain reverse proxy, it's time to learn how to configure it. In fact, Nginx is relatively easy to configure, just add a few lines of code to the Nginx configuration file. But before we do that, we have to make sure we have Nginx installed.

First, we need to edit the Nginx configuration file, usually in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf. Find the "server" configuration block and add the following code to it:

server {
listen 80; server_name subdomain.yourdomain.com; server_name
server_name subdomain.yourdomain.com; server_name subdomain.yourdomain.com; server_name subdomain.yourdomain.com

location / {
proxy_pass http://backendip; }

In the code above, listen specifies the port on which Nginx listens, server_name specifies the secondary domain name, and proxy_pass in location specifies the IP address of the back-end server that forwards the request.

After the configuration, don't forget to reload the Nginx configuration by entering the following command:
nginx -s reload

Then it's time to test it out. Enter the second-level domain name you configured in your browser and see if you can access the back-end server properly.

Notes and Frequently Asked Questions

In the process of configuring Nginx secondary domain name reverse proxy, you may encounter some problems. I have summarized some common considerations and problem solving methods for you here.

1. 防火配置


sudo ufw allow 80

2. DNS resolution

When you have configured the second level domain name, it may still take some time for DNS resolution. So please be patient for a while if you find it inaccessible while testing.

3. Nginx configuration check

Before reloading the Nginx configuration, it is a good idea to perform a configuration check for syntax errors. Use the following command to perform the check:

nginx -t


Hi guys, today we have learned Nginx secondary domain reverse proxy configuration tips together. With this configuration, we can achieve load balancing, improve website performance and scalability, so that users can enjoy a better access experience. Although the configuration process may encounter some problems, but with patience to solve, everything will become smooth.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8922.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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