IPIPGO ip proxy Hong Kong ISP Static Residential IP Configuration Tutorial

Hong Kong ISP Static Residential IP Configuration Tutorial

A static residential IP is a residential network IP address that does not move for a period of time, while ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. Today, let's explore a...

Hong Kong ISP Static Residential IP Configuration Tutorial

A static residential IP is a residential network IP address that does not move over a period of time, while ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. Today, let's discuss about static residential IP and ISP in Hong Kong, and their importance and application in daily life.

I. Static Residential IP in Hong Kong

In modern society, the Internet has become an inseparable part of people's lives. With the popularization of smart devices and the development of applications, more and more devices need to be connected to the Internet. And the application of static residential IP allows our devices to have a fixed identity in the network.

Static residential IP is widely used in Hong Kong in various industries, such as smart home systems. With a static residential IP, we can remotely control the lights, electrical appliances and other devices at home. For example, if you are traveling and suddenly want to turn on the air conditioner at home when you are out of town, if you have a static residential IP, you just need to connect your cell phone to the Internet, log in the relevant application, and then you can remotely control the air conditioner at home!

II. Advantages of static residential IP

Static residential IPs have significant advantages over dynamic IPs in certain specific scenarios. First of all, a static residential IP allows us to have a fixed identity on the Internet. If you often need to access your private computer or set up a game server remotely, having a static residential IP can be very convenient.

Secondly, a static residential IP can also provide a higher level of security for organizations. For example, some companies need to provide telecommuting conditions to give their employees a secure virtual private network connection, which requires a static residential IP to accomplish.

III. Role of ISPs in connecting static residential IPs

ISPs are an important link between the network devices in our homes and the Internet. There are many ISP providers in Hong Kong, such as telecom operators, broadband service providers and so on. We can choose the right ISP according to our needs and budget.

When connecting to a static residential IP, we need to go through a series of negotiations and settings with our ISP. First, we need to apply for a static residential IP from the ISP, and then they will assign this fixed IP address to our network devices. In this process, ISP plays an important role both technically and administratively.

Code example: how to configure a static residential IP

Here I give you a simple code example on how to configure a static residential IP. the following example takes Windows OS as an example.

First, we need to open the "Network and Sharing Center" settings interface. Find the network adapter you are currently connected to, right click on it and select "Properties". Then find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" in the "Network" tab and click "Properties" again.

In the pop-up window, select "Use the following IP address". Fill in the IP Address and Subnet Mask with the static residential IP and subnet mask you have applied. Consult your ISP for gateway and preferred DNS server settings.

After clicking "OK", the system will apply the new network settings. After completing the network settings, your device will now have a fixed static residential IP address!

With this simple code example, you can see that configuring a static residential IP is actually not complicated. You only need to follow the steps to set it up, and then you will be able to realize having a static IP address in Hong Kong.


Through the introduction of static residential IP and ISP in Hong Kong, we can see their importance and application in our daily life. Static residential IP allows our devices to have a fixed identity in the Internet, bringing convenience and security; while ISP plays an important part in connecting our network devices to the Internet. In the future, static residential IP and ISP will continue to play an important role in bringing more convenience to our lives.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8965.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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