IPIPGO reverse proxy Apache2.2 Reverse Proxy Setup and Use

Apache2.2 Reverse Proxy Setup and Use

Hey, hey, hey, boy do you know what Apache 2.2 reverse proxy means? Do you know how powerful it is? Today I will give you a little bit of science, listen up! ...

Apache2.2 Reverse Proxy Setup and Use

Hey, hey, hey, boy do you know what Apache 2.2 reverse proxy means? Do you know how powerful it is? Today I'll give you a little bit of science, listen up!

Apache2.2 Basic Concepts of Reverse Proxies

First, let's explain what a reverse proxy is. Do you know about proxy servers? Well, it's like a middleman that helps you to receive requests, process responses, and then return the results to you. Whereas a forward proxy is generally for the client, it goes and requests other servers on behalf of the client.

So what's the difference between a reverse proxy and a forward proxy? A reverse proxy is a server that requests other servers on behalf of the server and then returns the results to the client, isn't it a bit like switching identities?

Configuration Steps for Apache 2.2 Reverse Proxy

Want to use Apache2.2 for reverse proxy, but also have to first Apache2.2 installed before you can, otherwise you expect it how to help you proxy it?

The first step is to install Apache 2.2. You can go to the official website to download the latest version of the Apache 2.2 installer, and then follow its installation wizard step by step. Remember to take a sip of water, the waiting process may be a bit boring!

Step 2: Configure Apache 2.2: Find the configuration file for your Apache 2.2 installation, usually in the conf folder. After you find this configuration file, you have to take a close look, especially about the reverse proxy configuration information, do not get it wrong oh!

The third step is to configure the reverse proxy. Find the place for LoadModule in the configuration file and add a sentence LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so, so that the reverse proxy function is enabled.

Next, add the following code to the configuration file to define the reverse proxy:

ProxyPass /foo http://foo.example.com/bar
ProxyPassReverse /foo http://foo.example.com/bar

Thus, when a request is made to access /foo, Apache 2.2 forwards the request to http://foo.example.com/bar and returns the response to the client.

Apache2.2 Reverse Proxy Usage Examples

Well, the above configuration is done, let's look at the specific use of the example!

Suppose you have a website A on your server and you want to use a reverse proxy to display the content from website B on website A. What should you do? It's simple, just follow the configuration steps above and configure the address of website B.

For example, you can configure it like this:

ProxyPass / http://www.example.com/
ProxyPassReverse / http://www.example.com/

Thus, when a request is made to access Site A, Apache 2.2 forwards the request to Site B and returns the response to the client.

Misunderstanding of Common Understandings

Hey lads, hold your horses, there's one last point to make! In the process of using Apache 2.2 reverse proxy, you may encounter some errors, which are not funny! For example, you configured the reverse proxy did not take effect, the request is still directly access to the original server. In this case, you'll have to double-check your configuration file to see if you've written the wrong path, IP address, and so on.

Also, pay attention to the permissions of the configuration file, if the permissions are not enough, Apache2.2 may not be able to read the configuration file, and it will not work properly.


Well, today's Apache2.2 reverse proxy settings and use here. I hope that I speak clearly and understand, not too round oh!

Through the above configuration steps and use examples, I believe you have mastered the basic knowledge of Apache2.2 reverse proxy it. Remember, the reverse proxy is a powerful guy, be careful configuration to avoid errors Oh!


This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/8983.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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