IPIPGO reverse proxy Nginx reverse proxy rewrite configuration method

Nginx reverse proxy rewrite configuration method

How to configure Nginx reverse proxy rewrite Today let's talk about how to configure Nginx reverse proxy rewrite, which can...

Nginx reverse proxy rewrite configuration method

Nginx reverse proxy rewrite configuration method

Today we will talk about how to configure Nginx reverse proxy rewrite, which is a big job! Are you ready, boys? I'm going to take you on a journey through a sea of passionate code!

A Sour Experience with Nginx for Reverse Proxying

First, let's take a look at how the reverse proxy feature provided by Nginx can make you feel better. You know, a reverse proxy is like a battle-hardened general that forwards a client's request to another server and then passes the proxy server's response back to the client.

Why did we choose Nginx?

That's because Nginx is super tough! It can handle thousands of concurrent connections, making it easy for your website to cope with peak visits. Don't underestimate this little piece of software, it's not just a proxy, it can also be used as a load balancer, cache server, web server and so on! It's a versatile program!

Beautiful Rewrite Rules

Okay, without further ado, let's now get to the main event of this post - the Rewrite rules. Ready for the challenge, boys?

First, we need to set the following directive in the Nginx configuration file:

location / {
rewrite ^/old-url/(. *)$ /new-url/$1 permanent.

The magic of this code is that it redirects all requests that start with /old-url/ under /new-url/ and keeps the rest of the original URL. See? It's like we've traveled through time and space to the new URL space with ease!

Want more flexibility? Then let's have some regular expressions!

Regular expressions are a very powerful tool that allows you to achieve more precise matches. For example, if we want to rewrite all requests that start with /abc/ to /index.php?path=$1, we can configure it like this:

location / {
rewrite ^/abc/(. *)$ /index.php?path=$1 last;

This way, when your request path contains /abc/, Nginx rewrites it to /index.php?path=xxx, letting you have fun customizing the path.

Don't forget this little buddy: the try_files directive

Don't want to redirect the request directly, but want to find the file in a directory and display it to the user? No problem, the try_files directive is just the thing for you!

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;

The meaning of this code is to first check if there is a file matching the request URI, and if there is, return the file directly; if not, check if there is a directory ending with the request URI, and if there is, return index.php in that directory.

Feel the power of configuration in the real world

Okay, now let's get our hands dirty! Open your configuration file, add the code above, and restart your Nginx server. Then, enjoy the power of configuration!

Hey! Life is as colorful and full of possibilities as Nginx. So boys, don't hesitate! Hurry up and learn how to configure Nginx reverse proxy rewrite and make your website fly! Cheer up!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9005.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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