IPIPGO proxy server QQ proxy server IP address and port number details

QQ proxy server IP address and port number details

QQ Proxy Server IP Address and Port Number Details Hi everyone yah! As an author who loves to share knowledge and solve problems, today I bring you a...

QQ proxy server IP address and port number details

QQ proxy server IP address and port number details

Hi, everyone! As an author who loves to share knowledge and solve problems, today I bring you an interesting topic - a detailed explanation about IP address and port number of QQ proxy server. I don't know if you have ever encountered such a situation, maybe you are using QQ chatting software, but encountered some troublesome network problems. Well, QQ Proxy Server is a great tool that can help us solve these problems!

What is a QQ proxy server?

Before exploring the IP address and port number of a QQ proxy server, let's first understand what a QQ proxy server is.A QQ proxy server is an intermediary server located in a network intermediary system that acts as a relay station to help us communicate with other network devices. In this process, the proxy server is able to hide our real IP address and protect our privacy and security.

How to get the IP address and port number of QQ proxy server?

So the question is, how to get the IP address and port number of the QQ proxy server? Actually it is very simple, we can get it by the following methods:

Method 1: Searching from the Internet

The Internet is a big treasure trove, you can search engines, such as Baidu, Google, etc., enter the keyword "QQ proxy server", you can find a lot of related information. Many websites provide free QQ proxy server IP addresses and port numbers for users to use. Of course, you can also choose a paid proxy server to improve network speed and stability.

Method 2: Consultation of technical forums

If you don't find satisfactory results in your web search, you can also seek help in technical forums. In these communities, you can exchange experiences with other users, and sometimes there are professional network engineers to provide relevant help and guidance. In the forums, you can find some gods who know a lot about network proxies, and they will tell you the latest and most effective QQ proxy server IP addresses and port numbers.

Method three: find QQ customer service for help

As the official representative of QQ, QQ customer service is a good channel to ask for help. When you encounter network problems, you may want to contact QQ customer service and ask them about the IP address and port number of the QQ proxy server. They will provide professional help and guidance and solve your problems.

How to configure the IP address and port number of QQ proxy server?

After getting the IP address and port number of your QQ proxy server, the next question is how to configure them properly. Don't worry, I will provide an easy to understand configuration tutorial below.

First of all, open the QQ chat software, click the "Settings" button, in the pop-up menu, select "Network and File Transfer" option.

In the "Network and File Transfer" settings page, find the "Proxy Server" option and check "Enable Proxy Server".

Then, fill in the IP address and port number of the QQ proxy server in the corresponding input boxes. Please note that the IP address and port number need to be separated by a colon ":".

Finally, save the configuration and restart the QQ software to let the settings take effect.

code example

In order to better understand and apply the IP address and port number of the QQ proxy server, I provide you with a simple Python code example:

import requests

proxies = {
'http': 'http://代理服务器IP地址:端口号码',
'https': 'https://代理服务器IP地址:端口号码',

response = requests.get('http://www.example.com', proxies=proxies)


With the above code, we can use the QQ proxy server to send HTTP requests and get the content returned by the server. In this way, we can realize the use of QQ chat software at the same time, other network operations, it is really convenient!


QQ proxy server is a powerful and useful tool to help us solve network problems and protect privacy and security. In this article, I provide you with a detailed description of how to get the IP address and port number of a QQ proxy server, and how to configure them properly. A simple code example is also provided to help you better understand and apply it. I believe that through the guidance in this article, you can easily use the QQ proxy server and enjoy the ipipgo network experience!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9010.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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