IPIPGO Crawler Agent What is a Crawler Proxy IP Pool

What is a Crawler Proxy IP Pool

What is a Crawler Proxy IP Pool My oldest, today we're going to talk about a cool and cool topic - how to use a Crawler Proxy IP Pool! First, we have to get...

What is a Crawler Proxy IP Pool

What is a Crawler Proxy IP Pool

My oldest, today we're going to talk about a cool and cool topic - the use of Crawler Proxy IP Pools! First, we have to figure out what a crawler proxy IP pool is.

Crawler is a program that simulates a human being visiting a web page, and it can automatically crawl all kinds of data on the web. However, some websites don't like to be crawled by others, so they will engage in a series of anti-climbing measures, such as blocking your IP. this is very embarrassing, it's hard to find a good website, but the result is that it is blocked, and it can't work properly at all.

This is where proxy IPs come in handy! Proxy IPs can help you disguise your identity and pretend that you are accessing a web page from somewhere else to avoid being banned.

Crawler Proxy IP Pool, on the other hand, is a tool that automatically updates proxy IPs from various sources and provides you with the latest proxy IPs to use. Very convenient, right?

How to Use Crawler Proxy IP Pool

Step 1: Install Proxy IP Pool

We have to install the proxy IP pool before we can use it! Open a terminal and hit the following command:

pip install ProxyPool

Step 2: Start the Proxy IP Pool

After the installation, let's start the proxy IP pool. Still in the terminal, enter the following command:


Well, you'll see a complex string of characters floating out, perfectly normal. That's a sign that the proxy IP pool is working properly oh!

Step 3: Get Proxy IP

With proxy IP pool, we can get proxy IP at any time. Open your browser and enter the following line of code:

import requests

url = 'http://your-target-website.com'
proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': '',

response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)

Hey, you can use the proxy IP to access the target website. Note that is the default address and port of the proxy IP pool, you can also change it as needed.

Maintain crawler proxy IP pool

Ahem, old iron, don't think that just need to install the proxy IP pool and everything is fine! Proxy IP pool also need our maintenance and care oh.

Timed proxy IP update

Proxy IP has an expiration time, so we have to update it regularly. This can be done with a timed task that updates the proxy pool every once in a while. If you can also write your own script and use the script to automatically update it.

Calibrate proxy IP quality

Some proxy IPs may be bad and need our quality check. We can write a function to check the availability of proxy IPs, store the available IPs into a database and check them regularly to filter out the unavailable ones.

Reset Proxy IP Pool

Sometimes, the number of IPs in the proxy IP pool may drop and require us to reset it. You can automatically get new IPs from various sources to replenish the pool when the number of proxy IPs is low.


Hello, old-timers, today we have learned how to use a crawler proxy IP pool. With this amazing tool, we can easily avoid being blocked by websites and crawl all kinds of data unhindered.

But remember, the use of proxy IP pools should also pay attention to the skills, to maintain moderation, do not abuse Oh! Otherwise, it's not fun to be banned.

I hope you can enjoy the convenience of this powerful tool, happy crawling! May your code be written as if it were flowing, and may your crawler run smoothly! Cheer up!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9141.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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