IPIPGO ip proxy Residential ip proxy how to set up ip address's

Residential ip proxy how to set up ip address's

Residential IP Proxy, also known as Residential Dynamic Proxy, is a technique commonly used for web crawling and data collection. It helps users to hide their real IP address through multiple...

Residential ip proxy how to set up ip address's

Residential IP Proxy, also known as Residential Dynamic Proxy, is a technique commonly used for web crawling and data collection. It helps users hide their real IP addresses and forward them through multiple residential network nodes, making web access appear as if it is coming from different geographic locations and different users. So, as a beginner, how should we go about setting up a residential IP proxy? In this article, we will go into details about obtaining an IP address, choosing a proxy server and how to set up an IP address.

I. Obtaining an IP address

Before proceeding with the residential IP proxy setup, we first need to obtain an available residential IP address. This can be obtained in several ways:

1. Apply for broadband Internet: Choose a reliable broadband Internet service provider for broadband Internet access. After setting up the network access device (e.g. router), you can successfully obtain a residential IP address. This IP address identifies you for communication with the outside world and is the basis for residential IP proxy setup.

2. Dynamic IP address service providers: There are a number of service providers that specialize in providing residential dynamic IP addresses, such as Dynamic DNS. By subscribing to the services provided by these service providers, you can obtain a dynamic IP address. These dynamic IP addresses generally have a long validity period and are relatively easy to use.

Second, the choice of proxy servers

When choosing a proxy server, we need to consider several factors:

1. Server stability: the stability of the proxy server is very important, especially when carrying out a long time network crawling. Choosing a proxy server with stable operation can effectively avoid task interruption and data loss caused by proxy server failure.

2. Geographic location: According to the geographic location of the target website to be accessed, we can choose a proxy server with a similar geographic location. This can reduce latency and improve access speed and stability.

3. Proxy protocols: Residential IP proxies generally support HTTP and SOCKS proxy protocols, and we can choose the appropriate protocols according to actual needs.

III. Setting the IP address

After purchasing a proxy server and obtaining a residential IP address, we need to configure the proxy server to the appropriate network devices for IP address forwarding. The following will be described in detail in two cases.

Scenario 1: Using a router to set the IP address

1. Fill in the IP address and port number of the proxy server into the proxy settings of the router.

2. In the router setup interface, find the Network Settings item, select [Advanced Settings], and find the Proxy Settings.

3. Enter the IP address and port number of the proxy server and save the settings.

4. Subsequently, all devices that pass through this router, including computers, cell phones, etc., will automatically use a proxy server for network access.

Scenario 2: Using a computer to set an IP address

1. Open the Network and Sharing Center on your computer.

2. Click [Change Adapter Settings] on the left side to locate the currently connected network adapter.

3. Right-click the adapter and select [Properties].

4. Find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and double-click it to enter the settings.

5. In the pop-up window, select [Use the following IP address], and fill in the IP address, subnet mask and gateway of the proxy server into the corresponding position; the DNS server address can be kept unchanged for the time being.

6. Click [OK] to save the settings.

With the above settings, we can successfully configure the IP address for the residential IP proxy.


The setup of Residential IP Proxy requires us to obtain an IP address, choose a suitable proxy server, and set it up accordingly. Only after mastering these steps can we successfully use the residential IP proxy for web crawling and data collection. I hope this article will be helpful to beginners!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9167.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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