IPIPGO ip proxy TikTok Exclusive IP Node Building Tutorial

TikTok Exclusive IP Node Building Tutorial

Once upon a time, TikTok took the world by storm with its unique content and innovative short video features. Not only has it become a way for people to record and share...

TikTok Exclusive IP Node Building Tutorial

Once upon a time, TikTok took the world by storm with its unique content and innovative short video features. Not only has it become a platform for people to record and share their lives, but it has gradually become a force that influences the culture and trends of the younger generation. Many popular videos cannot be separated from the support of TikTok's exclusive IP node. So, how to build such a node that can guarantee high-speed access and provide a stable and smooth user experience? Next, we will analyze it for you in detail.

I. What is TikTok Exclusive IP Node

In most cases, we realize the acceleration effect on TikTok access by proper network configuration. Some advanced users, or users with certain technical background, prefer to build TikTok exclusive IP nodes to achieve a more accurate and stable access experience. Such nodes are more flexible and free compared to general acceleration services. With an exclusive IP node, you can better cope with TikTok's traffic restrictions and blocking to ensure smooth video uploading and viewing.

Second, the preparatory work to build TikTok exclusive IP nodes


III. Server environment configuration

1. 安装ipipgo
使用以下命令安装ipipgo:sudo apt-get install -libev。

2. 配置ipipgo服务端
编辑配置文件:vi /etc/-libev/config.json,输入以下配置:
"server": "your_server_ip",
"password": "your_password",
"method": "aes-256-gcm".
"nameserver": "",
"no_delay": true
where your_server_ip is your server IP address, your_server_port is the port number you set, and your_password is your password.

3. 启动ipipgo服务端
使用以下命令启动ipipgo服务端:sudo systemctl -libev。

IV. Configuring the client

1. 安装ipipgo客户端

2. 配置ipipgo客户端

3. 连接ipipgo客户端

V. Verify TikTok Exclusive IP Nodes

1. Open the TikTok app

2. Log in to your TikTok account
Log in to your TikTok account in the program.

3. Checking node connectivity
Play different TikTok videos to confirm whether the node is smoothly connected, if the video can be loaded smoothly then it means the node is built successfully.

VI. Summary

With the above steps, we have successfully built a TikTok exclusive IP node. With such a node, you can not only improve the access speed of TikTok, but also separate it from other users to avoid being restricted and blocked by traffic. Of course, this also requires you to have certain technical strength, if you are not familiar with Linux and network knowledge, you can also choose some mature acceleration services to meet personal needs. I hope this tutorial can help you, so that you can better enjoy the wonderful world of TikTok!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/9246.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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